Chapter 14: A Walking Time-Bomb

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Hideaki found himself inside a room resembling an elementary school common area.

Suddenly a young black-haired boy dashed toward him. The boy's hair, tied up in a samurai-style ponytail, added an intriguing touch to his appearance.

Sporting a smile, the black-haired kid greeted Hideaki, indicating that he was likely his friend. But then, the boy spoke up unexpectedly.

"Hideaki-kun... I don't want to be friends with you anymore..."


Hideaki couldn't believe his ears; the words seemed too surreal...

He wondered if he had misunderstood his friend's statement, hoping it was a mere misinterpretation.

"Hiroshi-kun is cooler than you." The boy said.

'H-Hiroshi-kun... is.. cooler....?'

Suddenly, it hit him. 'Does Makoto-kun... was getting bored with me all the time...?' The last words of his friend lingered in his mind...


'Am... I... boring..?'

he questioned himself.

After that, all he saw was his classmate walking away from him "Bye then, Hideaki-!"

"N-no! Makoto! S-stop! M-Makoto-kun! W-wait.. - wait for me!" he desperately called out to the boy, urging him to return.

With all his might, he attempted to run after him, longing to catch up, to prevent Makoto from leaving him behind in solitude...


He woke up and started coughing uncontrollably, struggling to breathe.

His throat felt parched, desperately longing for moisture. Then, out of the blue, he felt the presence of a cold glass of water in his hands.

When he directed his gaze towards the person who had offered it to him, he was taken aback.
'S-Seiji..?' he pondered in astonishment. 'W-wait... w-where am I...?'

When he quenched his thirst, he began to look around...

He was in a hospital room. A gentle sunlight streamed in through a large glass window. The weather outside appeared ideal for a refreshing walk. However, he found himself confined to the bed, noticing the presence of bandages on his body and head. It felt as if he had been disconnected from his senses for a significant number of hours.

Seiji observed him closely. "I'll inform the nurse that you're awake. I'll be back in a moment," he said before swiftly exiting the room.

In that instant, a rapid thought raced through the killer's mind,

"If I'm in the hospital, they probably already know who I am and have alerted the police... I have to escape from here."

The murderer cautiously attempted to leave the bed, feeling a pang of pain in his ribs from the exertion, but he refused to give up. He didn't want to be captured and sent back to jail again.

Just then, the nurse entered with Seiji.

Observing Hideaki's struggle to rise, the woman hurried over to him. "Please, sir, don't try to get up yet. You still need to rest," she urged, gently guiding him back onto the bed.

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