Chapter 28: There's something I fucking hate about you!

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Hideaki woke up from his deep sleep. He raised his head and looked around, realizing he was still in the tent. The bright light piercing through the fabric showed that morning had arrived.

Further inside the tent, Seiji still slept, lost in his dreams. Hideaki decided not to wake him up and quietly opened the tent door, slipping outside.

He was surrounded by a forest that was slowly waking up from the screams and fear from last night... almost as if everything that had happened yesterday had been buried deep in the ground...

He found himself sitting on the same tree stump Seiji had occupied the previous night. Closing his eyes, he focused on the sounds of the awakening forest, trying to find solace in nature. Seiji's friends were still resting in their tents, seeking respite after the terrifying events.

The morning chirping of birds gently resounded in the treetops, and the wind gently moved the leaves on the trees. There was peace all around...

Hideaki sighed and then put his head in hands, cringing. Thoughts were swirling in his head...
'Should I run away from here...? This idiot Ken already knows everything about me from Seiji... he can hand me over to his friend from the police... I have to hide... I have to not let them find me... I have to... neutralize the enemies at all costs!... I have to...
Kill Kiminawa Ken...'

Suddenly... a unusual feeling of guilt hit him... as if something made him doubt whether his plan could come true...

'But... Seiji won't like it... He would definitely be super pissed at me like yesterday or even worse if he would find out that I killed his friend... ' the feeling of fear of his programmer friend's reaction terrified him, he didn't want Seiji to throw him out after such an action... however in his mind still appeared doubts about possible precautions that Seiji's friend could take in order to protect himself...
'But Ken can turn me in to the police! This idiot definitely wants to do this after what Seiji told him about me! I have to kill him! But Seiji will be angry! But I have to protect myself! BUT SEIJI WILL BE ANGRY! I MUST KILL! BUT SEIJI! KILL! SEIJI! KILL! SEIJI!...' his thoughts were jumping at each other, one by one.

He moaned being all confused of what to do.
Subconsciously he felt that he had to kill the problem that had arisen, but on the other hand, Seiji's reaction and the fear that if he committed something like that it would cause him to say goodbye to his current life with Seiji, stubbornly blocked him.

Overwhelmed by his own thoughts, he grabbed his head and screamed in frustration


Suddenly he heard someone sigh. Terrified that someone had been there all along, he turned towards the sound. He noticed a person who was breathing gloomy and tired, standing nearby him... and it was...

Kiminawa Ken.

He held a cigarette in his hand. Remnants of gray tobacco smoke flew from his mouth and floated across the sky, dissipating with the clean air of the forest.

Seeing Ken, Hideaki felt a shiver run through him due to the fact that someone was watching him all this time in his ignorance. But then, seeing what Seiji's friend was doing, made him sour and disgusted. He hated smokers.

At the same moment, Ken's tired voice came out of his mouth...

"Miyahara... Please... Can you stop screaming like that in the morning...? My girlfriend is still sleeping... I don't want her to wake up yet... Let her rest after the horror you gave us last night..."

The black-haired man looked like he hadn't slept all night. His eyes were tired and his posture was bending under the weight of his body... Ken's whole appearance said "let me finally rest."

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