Chapter 52: The anticipation

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The police station buzzed with activity as Seiji was led inside. He could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him, the reality of Hideaki's arrest sinking in. Detective Nakamura guided him to a small, sterile interview room, the fluorescent lights casting a harsh glow.

"Sekiguchi," Tanaka said gently, "thank you for your cooperation. We'll need you to give a full statement about everything you know."

Seiji nodded numbly, his mind reeling from the night's events. Life, as he had known it, had changed forever.

Detective Kodano entered the room, his presence commanding respect. "Sekiguchi, take your time. We need you to be as detailed as possible. Anything you can remember might help us."

Seiji took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. "I... I met Hideaki almost... a y-year ago. He... he tried to kill me. But then, I saw something in him, a chance to change. I thought I could help him."

"Start from the beginning," Nakamura encouraged. "How did you first meet him?"

Seiji recounted their first encounter, how Hideaki had seemed desperate and dangerous. "He attacked me when I was walking towards the t-tall skyscraper... to.. c-commit.. a s-scuicide..." Seiji's breath shaked, from stress that he had to tell everything that took place... the secret he's been holding about keeping Hideaki from the police... Everything.

Nakamura's expression softened. "Take your time, Sekiguchi. We're here to listen."

Seiji continued, his voice trembling. "I was at my lowest point, ready to end it all. That's when Hideaki appeared out of nowhere and attacked me. I... I thought it was over for me, but then he passed out from starvation. I couldn't just leave him there, so I took him back to my apartment."

"That was a brave decision," Kodano remarked, leaning forward. "But why did you keep this from us?"

Seiji looked down, ashamed. "I thought... I thought I could help him to make him be strong t-to be able to k-kill me at least. B-but then... I saw something in him... A hope for redemption... I believed he could change. And for a while, he did. Recently, he tried to live a normal life, even got a job, but... things started to unravel."

Tanaka nodded, taking notes. "What happened before his change?"

Seiji recounted the ups and downs of their time together-the moments of hope and the relapses into violence. "He was always on edge, always struggling with his darker impulses. But I never gave up on him. I thought if I could just reach him, he would change for good."

Nakamura exchanged a glance with Kodano. "Sekiguchi, it's important we understand everything. Did you ever feel threatened living with him?"

Seiji hesitated. "Yes, sometimes. But I always thought I could handle it. I wanted to save him, to give him a second chance."

Kodano leaned in, his gaze intense. "You know, Sekiguchi... Types like him usually wont get so easily back on the good side."

Seiji's eyes filled with tears. "He... he really isn't a bad person... He's just misunderstood... He needs someone who will accept him as he is, to help him unravel his dark past, to help him find peace with himself. He needs help with his mental health..."

Nakamura nodded, his expression softening even more. "It's clear you care deeply about him, Sekiguchi. But some things are beyond our control. We have to ensure everyone's safety."

Tanaka nodded. "You did what you thought was right, Sekiguchi. You tried to save him, and that took a lot of courage."

Seiji's voice broke as he responded, "I know. I just... I hoped I could make a difference in his life. To fix him. To show that he in fact is a good man, deep inside... Because that's who he really is... I saw his good side... a complete opposite to his dark and violent side..."

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