Chapter 55: I would break our deal if I had not done so... Right..?

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The flowers had fully awakened to life, along with the rest of nature. Seiji, after work, was in his apartment, relaxing on the living room couch.

Sipping freshly made coffee, he browsed the internet.

Taking another sip, he sighed deeply.
"It's been a year..." He said, after looking at the calendar. "A year since I met him... A year since my life turned upside down... But... now I see that for the better... I wonder how he's doing in prison. Ever since I sent him my letter, I haven't received any response..." He mused. "I'm a bit worried that it got lost somewhere along the way, and he never received it... Damn postal service..."

Suddenly, Seiji heard his phone ring.

It was an unknown number.

He answered the call cautiously

"Good afternoon. This is Dr. Tōdō from the psychological center. I'm calling to confirm that Miyahara Hideaki's therapy sessions are all set to start next week."

Seiji sighed. "Oh... Uh... I'm afraid I have to cancel it. Miyahara-san is... The therapy is no longer necessary..."

There was a brief pause on the other end. "I see. Could you please clarify the reason for the cancellation?"

Seiji hesitated, his voice heavy with emotion. "It's complicated. But... let's just say circumstances have changed."

Dr. Tōdō responded gently, "I understand. If you need any assistance or support, please don't hesitate to reach out."

"Thank you, Doctor," Seiji replied softly.

He ended the call and sighed heavily.

He was about to take another sip when suddenly he heard a noise coming from the balcony.

"What the heck..." Seiji muttered. He lifted his head from his phone and looked towards the balcony door. What he saw left him frozen in shock.


His hands trembled, causing him to drop the cup of coffee he was holding.

The mug shattered loudly on the floor, spilling the hot beverage onto the wooden planks.

Seiji quickly got up from the couch and ran to the balcony door. He opened it and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Hideaki, what are you doing here? How did you get here? Aren't you supposed to be in prison?"

Hideaki stood before him, his clothes torn and dirty, his eyes showing fatigue and determination.
"I couldn't stay there, Seiji. I had to see you... I had to..." Hideaki whispered, his voice shaking with emotion. Suddenly he started to loosing his balance.

Seiji grabbed his shoulders in last minutes before the fall, trying to understand what was happening. "But they know you've escaped. They'll be looking for you everywhere..."

Hideaki looked at him with determination. "I know. But... I had to come to you... Because... I came to kill you."

The wind blew through his brown hair.

Seiji stood in shock. "K-kill..? But how did you..."

"Our promise," Hideaki explained briefly.

At those words, Seiji remembered. "Oh, right. How could I forget. Our deal..."

"In your letter, you wrote that you were sorry we couldn't fulfill our promise... So... I came. And now everything will be settled..."

"Yes... Right. You... You're right." Seiji replied, somewhat uncertainly.

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