Chapter 21: Typhoon Day

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As they arrived home, Akemi expressed her desire to clean her body. It was pretty fun, but exhausting day for a teenager, mainly because of how hot the day was...

"I'm going to take a bath... I need to wash off all the sand and feel fresh and beautiful for tomorrow!"
she stated to Seiji and Hideaki.

"Fine, but make it quick because I also want to take a bath." Seiji responded.

Just then, Hideaki chimed in, "I wanted to clean myself too!"

"Well you would have to wait for your turn." Seiji added.

"You can wash together since you're both guys, and I'm the only girl here." Akemi said.

Upon hearing this, Seiji and Hideaki exchanged looks without any enthusiasm but rather with a hint of disgust.

"I'm not going to have a bath with you... That would look gay as heck," Seiji replied, wanting to emphasize his preference for women.

"Hmpf!" Hideaki crossed his arms not amused by Seiji's statement. "Well, I'm not going to do it either! So you better make it quick with washing your stupid ass!"

Both of them cast disgusted glances at each other, feeling repulsed by the situation that someone suggested they could easily bath with themselves just like that.

As they waited for Seiji's sister to finish using the bathroom, they got engaged into walking in one way and another next to the bathroom door. It's not that they had something better to do...
Out of exhaust, Hideaki sat leaning against the wall, while Seiji did the same, pondering possible solutions to murderer's problems. Suddenly, Hideaki's stomach growled loudly, interrupting Seiji's deep thoughts. The programmer turned surprised, "Don't tell me you're still hungry..."

"Tch!" Hideaki hissed from embarrassment "N-no! It's not like I want to eat something sweet or anything..." he tried to deny the sudden need of consuming food, but Seiji had gotten used to when Hideaki was pretending and when he wasn't...

The programmer sighed. "Fine... I'm really surprised that you can fit anything more in there..." He gestured toward Hideaki's visibly stuffed and quite big looking belly, recalling their dinner at the beach earlier in the day.

Hideaki grew embarrassed and tried to conceal his blush by hiding behind his hair "Shut up! Just tell me if you have something to eat, you moron!"

"Fine, fine..." Seiji stood up and headed to the kitchen. He rummaged through the shelves but couldn't find anything suitable for a small snack.

Suddenly, Hideaki appeared behind him, "You better have some cinnamon rolls stashed away somewhere..." His tone of voice indicated his impatience for a sweet treat.

Seiji looked again at Hideaki's stomach, a doubting thoughts appeared in his mind
'How on Earth, does this guy is even able to eat anything more! The dinner was big! And yet, he still craves for a snack!? I know that everyone's stomachs can storage food in them differently, but damn!'
Knowing that he wouldn't have anything that would be fittable enough to fill the cravings of his roommate, he said
"Sorry, Mr. Sweet-Eater, I'm afraid that I don't have any candy here." Seiji searched the kitchen cabinets once more but still came up empty-handed.

"Huh!?" Hideaki burst out in frustration from receiving the information about missing cinnamon rolls.

"Yeah... Even if I wanted something, I'm afraid my shelves are glaringly empty..."

"Can't you just make them!?"

"I don't have the ingredients..."

"Tch! Damnit!" Hideaki returned to the bathroom door, feeling offended that he couldn't satisfy his craving. He sat with crossed arms and an annoyed expression, waiting for the room to become available again.

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