Chapter 51: The Job and The...

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As the day followed, the resume of Hideaki has been seen, and he received back an e-mail of the possibility for a chat about his wanted position in the job.

He went there, feeling very anxious, but as he went back home after, he looked as everything went smoothly... at least...

"How did it go?" Seiji asked, reading a book on the couch.

"It.. was... o-okay I guess..." Hideaki answered still a little bit anxious.

The blond haired programmer smiled "See? Told you it wouldn't be that bad."

"Y-yeah..." Hideaki started to unbutton his white shirt, changing from more elegant clothes to his everyday ones.

"Did anyone recognize you?" Seiji asked, flipping to the next page of his book.

"N-no, I don't think so..." Hideaki replied, his voice uncertain.

"That's great! And now, remember to just be yourself and show them you can handle the job."

Hideaki nodded, though Seiji's words left him feeling a bit unsure.


The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the small apartment. Seiji was already up, sipping his coffee and preparing for work. Today was a special day, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of hope and apprehension. Hideaki, his unpredictable and fiery roommate, had finally agreed to take on a job.

"Come on, Hideaki, you'll be late for your first day!" Seiji called out, trying to wake up his friend from his sleep.

Hideaki groaned and turned over on the couch, pulling his blanket over his face to block out the annoying sunlight streaming into his eyes.

"C'mon. Get up sleepyhead." Seiji encouraged him.

"Shutup..." He mumbled yawning "I wanna sleep..." His words were more of a murmur than coherent speech.

Seiji sighed. 'He wouldn't wake up just like that, huh?' he thought.

In one swift motion, he scooped his sleepy friend into his arms, blanket and everything that Hideaki clinged to.

Hideaki's eyes snapped open in shock. "W-What are you doing?!?" he screamed, panic evident in his voice.

"I'm waking you up," Seiji replied calmly, carrying Hideaki toward the dining table.

"LET ME GO!" Hideaki yelled, squirming.

"As you wish." Seiji gently set him down on a chair and placed an onigiri in front of him. "Eat up. You need your strength for today."

"Tch! Shutup... don't tell me what to do..." He said with a scowl on his face, then he began eating his breakfast.

Seiji handed him a packed lunch. "Remember, just be patient with the customers. This job at the clothing store might be a good fit for you if you can keep your temper in check."

"Tch!" Hideaki rolled his eyes but took the lunch anyway. "I'll try," he muttered, though both knew it was more of a non-committal grunt than a promise.

[At the store...]

The clothing store was bustling with the morning rush when Hideaki arrived. The manager, a middle-aged woman named Ms. Hachinohe, greeted him with a warm smile.

"Welcome, Miyahara-san. Let's get you started. Your job is simple: stock the shelves, handle the register, and assist customers."

Hideaki nodded, trying to suppress his irritation at the cheerful tone. "Got it," he said curtly.

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