Chapter 11: Rain

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Another Spring day arrived in Tokyo.

Gray storm clouds were swirling in the distance. It looked as if the rain would fall from them at any moment.

Classes just ended in one high school, near Seiji's apartment.

The teenagers joyfully ran down the floor where the classrooms were held and went to the cloakroom to change their shoes.

A girl came down the stairs. She had long dark blue, straight hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She got shiny blue eyes that were a great contrast to her pale delicate skin... She was wearing a school uniform like the rest of the students.

Her name was Ichiyo Takahashi.

As she bent down to change her shoes, a sense of foreboding crept over her, and she couldn't help but notice the ominous storm clouds gathering on the horizon, casting the world into ever-deepening darkness.

Seeing the cumulating rain clouds, Ichiyo smiled.

Suddenly, a peer ran up to her. It was a girl with peach colored hair. She had bangs that fell over her forehead, the rest hair was pinned up in two buns. Her eyes were grey.

Her name was Izumi Matsuo

She greeted Ichiyo with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Ichiyo-chan, do you have an umbrella? I forgot mine at home and the clouds don't look so good... Yoshimi-san says that according to her weather prediction Magic Ability, it's going to rain in about 20 minutes."

"Yes.. I have one. I can lend you one if you want." Ichiyo replied, handing her friend her umbrella.

"Thank you very much! But.. uh.. won't you be wet then?"

Ichiyo chuckled softly "Hahah. Oh Izumi.. Even though we know each other for so long, you keep forgetting what my Magic Ability is.."

"O-oh.. R-right hehe.." Izumi scratched her head nervously, feeling embarrassed.

Both girls went to their homes.

They were neighbors.

As they walked home through the streets of Tokyo, the air became thick with the promise of upcoming summer and hum of cicadas.

Ichiyo's long, straight hair swayed with each step, catching the warm breeze that carried the scent of jasmine and yuzu. Her bright blue eyes flickered from side to side, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling metropolis.

As they turned onto a quiet street lined with low-rise houses, the sky was completely covered by dark rain clouds.

Soon it was time to say goodbye.

The girls embraced tightly, cherishing the moment before parting ways.

They shared a deep affection for one another, evident in the way they held each other close.

With a final farewell, they turned and headed towards their homes.

Suddenly, Ichiyo felt something wet on the tip of her nose. She looked up in the sky. The grey storm clouds were directly above her, only waiting to release a huge wall of rain...

In a moment countless raindrops began to fall on her. A downpour came to Tokyo...

The girl smiled again.

She opened the received back umbrella and started walking towards her house.

As she approached the front door she paused for a moment to smooth out her uniform and brush off any dirt that had accumulated on her shoes.

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