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Outer Banks, the ChateauJuly 7th, 202010:24am

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Outer Banks, the Chateau
July 7th, 2020

I woke up to the sound of John B's laughter reaching my ears, and I groaned just as soon. I hated more than anything else when he forgot he wasn't the only one living here and that quietness in the morning was pretty enjoyable. I yawned and sat up slowly, looking around. My bedroom was a little messy, even a lot, to be fully honest. I sighed as I noticed how my bed was covered with crumpled sheets and blankets piled up in the corner, and that my desk was cluttered with revision sheets and tests results I would never read again.

The sun was already shining through the half-opened window, casting a warm glow on everything in the room, and the sound of buzzing flies and chirping birds filled the air. The scent of sunscreen and salty water reached my nostrils, reminding me of the few past days spent lounging in the sun, as soon as summer break started. If there was one thing I loved more than anything in the Pogue life in the Outer Banks, it had to be the freedom it allowed us.

John B and I woke up as late as we wanted, drank beers, smoked weed, surfed with our friends, fished for hours, partied. There was nothing like a summer on the Cut. I slid out of my bed and freshened up in the bathroom quickly before putting on my swimsuit, which I hid underneath an oversized white t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I usually didn't get prepared so fast just when I jumped out of my bed, but since I had heard John B laughing so loudly, I figured my twin brother wasn't alone, so I had to look okay, just in case.

I made my way outside, placing my sunglasses on the edge of my nose to protect my eyes from the blinding sun rays. My smile grew wider when I perceived JJ's figure laying in the hammock. The sunlight caught the highlights in his slightly tousled hair, making it shine like spun gold. JJ's hair almost made me forget about the state the yard was in, and for once it wasn't my fault.

"Well, hi there," I called out, making them rotate to stare at me. "The vacation camp opens at 11"

A string of laughter poured out of JJ's mouth and John B greeted me with his usual warm smile. "Hey Janel, slept well?" he asked me, to what I nodded.

"Yeah. Why are you guys up so early?" I asked, actually curious.

JJ never woke up before eleven, even on school days, which was obviously a problem, and John B slept on most days since his job at the Cameron's was pretty tiring. "We wanted to clean the yard before it was too hot outside," JJ replied.

I pursed my lips together in a faked impressed expression and looked around, my head on my forehead, above my eyes, to observe better their work. "Well, good job," I ironically congratulated them since nothing had changed since I had lastly seen the yard and it was already so hot outside the air felt thick.

"Do it yourself if you're not satisfied," John B snapped, which caught me off guard.

"Wow chill," I rolled eyes. "It's not like you've promised me to clean it for months but somehow there's always something wrong and you can't do it"

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