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Outer Banks, Figure-EightJanuary 17th, 20287:24 pm

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Outer Banks, Figure-Eight
January 17th, 2028
7:24 pm

I picked up my three month old baby from her crib and kissed her big cheeks before carrying her to the living-room where her father was comfortably sitting on our sofa. He looked up from his phone when he saw us coming back in the corner of his eye and smiled wildly. "She wanted to say hi," I mumbled, sitting next to my man.

"Hi my love," he grabbed her tiny hand and kissed it. "It's supposed to be nap time, mommy and daddy have plans"

I smiled, tilting my head to the side as he grabbed our daughter from my arms and kissed her head gently. "Do we?" I asked.

He smirked at me and then looked at our daughter Olivia. "I'm taking mommy on a date, but don't tell her, it's a surprise. Uncle JJ will come take care of you," he whispered, as if I couldn't hear.

Ever since I had given birth to our little monster a few months ago, we had not really been able to spend alone time and focus on our relationship. Even though I absolutely loved being a mom and she made me the happiest woman on Earth, I missed being Rafe's girlfriend. I smiled more at his words and Rafe laid his eyes on me, a pride expression spread on his face.

"Really?" I asked softly.

"Yes really, go get ready," he replaced a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead softly. "Unless you want to go to our date dressed up like this, which is fine for me"

We both laughed because I was wearing a t-shirt stained with some of Olivia's spit up and some old cycling shorts. I got up and hurried upstairs, where I started to look for a cute outfit which would make me feel pretty for the first time in such a long time. I showered, did my hair, selected the green dress Rafe had bought me in Charleston for our very first Midsummers together.

I finished getting ready and sprayed perfume on strategic spots of my skin, before getting back downstairs since I heard my baby whining a little. I walked to the living-room where I caught sight of Rafe, rocking Olivia carefully in his arms. "Do you think she might be a little hungry?" I asked, making him look up at me.

His eyes turned brighter when they landed on me and he grinned, staring at me in awe, which made me blush. He kept rocking Olivia but didn't take his eyes off me as I got closer from him, feeling so vulnerable as he stared at me with so much insistence. Our baby kept whining so I frowned and caressed her small cheek as Rafe arrived a few inches away from me and I got to see her cute face.

"I d-don't know, sh-she- yeah maybe, I mean- sure," Rafe stuttered, making me roll eyes and laugh at him. "Fuck, you're so pretty, I wish I could take you upstairs right now"

My eyes went wide and I covered Olivia's ears as we both chuckled and he placed a wet kiss on my forehead. "Don't curse around her! But thank you, I guess?" I smiled.

"Will you hold her so I can go get changed?" he asked me and I nodded, grabbing my baby girl.

I attacked her with kisses and her laughs filled the entire room as I danced slowly with her in my arms so she'd be a little less fussy. She looked like her father so much, which was unfair because I had been the one carrying her for almost 9 months, waking up nauseous and having backaches after walking for three seconds because of how heavy she weighted in my belly. I loved her unconditionally, more than I ever thought I'd love someone, because I knew I'd sacrifice myself for her, I'd even protect her with Rafe's body if it meant she was safe that way.

HELIOPHILIA | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now