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Outer Banks, the WreckJuly 21st, 20207:43pm

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Outer Banks, the Wreck
July 21st, 2020

Working through heat waves had always been complicated, since we had to deal with annoying customers, intense rush hours and cramps in our legs, but I had never tried working heartbroken with zero hour of sleep in my body. My workmates had of course noticed I wasn't okay but at least I could think of something else than JJ being sad, Rafe hiding the truth from me, my father being dead or Ward Cameron being my father's murderer.

I walked past Kie who had learned about my situation thanks to JJ and had promised me she wasn't mad, but when I saw her facial features turning darker and her eyes going wide, I looked back. We both stared at who had walked in the restaurant, looking so incredibly hot as always, wearing a white shirt and black shorts; Rafe Cameron.

"C-Can I go on a break?" I asked her and she nodded, as I took my apron off and handed it to her.

Rafe walked towards me and even if I wanted to run to the bathroom and hide, I decided to be mature and face him. He reached me and I grabbed his hand, taking him in a corner where less customers could see or hear us. I then crossed my arms over my chest and locked my eyes in his. "Hi, you're so beautiful," he began to compliment me.

"And you're unbelievable, how could you do this?" I argued.

"Janel I swear I can explain everything," he started to panic.

"You're such an asshole, I thought I could trust you. I fucking cried in your arms and spent so much time with you when the whole time none of this was real," I said, referring to all those times he asked me questions about my dad, pretending he didn't know the truth.

He rolled eyes and grabbed my hands in his, which I hated but I didn't fight. His touch was gentle and I could feel that whatever he was gonna say would be important to me. "Janel, I just had to help him, that's why I did this. I never wanted to use you even if it looks like it, but after my dad asked me to get closer from you, I actually caught real feelings for you," he said.

I frowned, not understanding what he was talking about. "What? Your dad what?" I inquired.

He whitened and slowly let go of my hands, which allowed me to realise we had not been talking about the same thing at all. He didn't expect me not to understand what he was referring to and so apparently, he understood he fucked up. "Janel, what were you talking about?" he asked.

"About your dad k-" I looked around making sure no one heard us. "Your dad killing mine"

"Oh shit-" he lifted his arms up and placed them behind his head. "Shit, pretend you didn't hear what I said alright baby?"

I shook my head as tears filled up my eyes and I started to finally understand what had been going on this entire time. How could Rafe Cameron possibly ever pay attention to the dirty Pogue that I was? Of course he didn't ask me to hang out just for fun or to meet new people so his dad would be proud, he got closer from me so that his father could control me and the murder case.

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