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Outer Banks, the ChateauJuly 27th, 202010:35 am

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Outer Banks, the Chateau
July 27th, 2020
10:35 am

I was woken up by the sound of the birds chirping around the window, and the warmth of this summer day entering John B's bedroom. I groaned and grabbed my phone, only to find out Rafe had left me text messages which he had probably written while he was high and drunk. I decided not to even read them and threw my phone on the other side of the bed before getting up.

I hurried to the bathroom where I got ready for the day since I decided not to mope around nor pay attention to my head pounding because of how hungover I was. I showered, slid on fresh clothes and did my hair before walking in the living-room, expecting to find JJ. After checking the time again and realising it was way too early for him to be already up, I slowly paced towards my bedroom.

I opened the door quietly and brought my eyebrows up in a frown when I caught sight of my empty bed. I walked back in the living-room and right when I thought about grabbing my surfboard and going for a surfing session, someone knocked at the door. I jogged towards it to open it but as I swung it open and discovered three men wearing strange uniforms on which were written DCS, next to Susan who seemed so sorry to be here, it didn't take me long to understand what was happening.

"Can you let us in sweetie? We just want to talk to you," she said calmly.

I shook my head. "I think it's best for everyone if you just leave," I started closing the door.

One of the men placed his feet in the door gap so I couldn't just slam it at their faces and I looked around for an escape. The windows would take way too long to open, my bedroom's door was way too breakable and I couldn't just stay hidden in the bathroom waiting for them to leave.

"Don't make this hard kid," the man threatened.

"You must have probably knocked at the wrong door, it happens, good luck," I tried to close the door again.

At those words, the man pushed the door open quite firmly and hurried to me, grabbing my wrist, so violently that it hurt me. I tried to fight but another man grabbed my free wrist, making me scream, but no one was here to help me. Susan looked at me with tears in her eyes and as they took me to their van, I kept screaming, as if it was gonna convince them to let me go.

"Go get her brother, I got her," a man told his co-workers, as they threw me in the van.

"My brother's not home, you'll never get him you bastard!" I argued.

He slammed the palm of his hand on my cheek and I tried so hard not to show him how painful it was. I had always heard about DCS but I didn't know they could hurt the kids they were literally kidnapping.

"Gary don't touch her," Susan interfered.

"How could you do this?" I began to sob, staring at the woman who was standing outside, right next to the van through the opened window. "You were like a mom to me, I trusted you!"

HELIOPHILIA | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now