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Outer Banks, Cameron's house July 20th, 20203:08am

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Outer Banks, Cameron's house
July 20th, 2020

Saying I was asleep would have been a lie, since there was so much noise outside, including loud music and laughs, but I had started to slowly doze off when the bedroom's door slowly cracked open. I opened my eyes and struggled to see who was walking to me, but since I was in his bed and I knew his figure quite well, I managed to discern Rafe's figure though the darkness. He took his clothes off and joined me in his bed silently, blessing my nose with his scent.

I rotated to be on his side and stared at him, or at what I could see since the room was almost completely dark. "Did you find the clothes I had left you on my desk?" he whispered, as he slid under the covers.

He had indeed left me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt which probably belonged to him but he never wore, so that I could sleep comfortably. Not to betray our secret, I had told Kiara that I'd get home alone later when she had left with her parents, and she had ended up accepting to leave me alone, which I was grateful for. I had made my way to Rafe's bedroom and showered before getting changed and trying to fall asleep, while many others kept partying outside.

"Yes, thank you so much," I responded.

"Of course. Come here," he mumbled, pulling me against him.

I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and I slowly snuggled against his naked chest. I had waited for this moment to come for hours and it was worth the wait, because I felt so good and all my anxiety left my body. "I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me Rafe Cameron was so sweet with girls," I laughed softly.

"Don't call me sweet, please," he laughed.

I giggled and closed my eyes, appreciating to cuddle with the man I had been thinking of night and day. His hands travelled under the t-shirt that I was wearing and he rubbed my skin gently, shivers growing on my skin each time I felt his fingers on me. I closed my eyes and focused on his heartbeat. "Why are you already here? People are still having fun outside," I mumbled.

"Well, I kinda had a pretty girl waiting for me in my bed," he stated, to what I rolled eyes even if he couldn't see it.

"The pretty girl wouldn't have been mad at you if you partied for a little while longer," I breathed, which led him to chuckle.

We remained quiet and focused on the loud noises coming from outside, obviously not allowing us any rest. Still trapped in his arms, I pressed a wet kiss on his neck and buried my face in it, enjoying his scent more than ever. He smelled like a mix of alcohol, sweat, cologne and chlorine, but shit it was so attractive. A woman bursted out in laugh extremely loudly in the corridor, making both of us jump in surprise.

"Fuck," Rafe groaned. "See, organising Midsummers is great because you get to go to sleep whenever you want to, but the bad side is, people go to sleep whenever they want to as well"

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