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Charleston, the yachtJuly 13th, 20208:09pm

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Charleston, the yacht
July 13th, 2020

We reached Rafe's boat after walking through the streets of Charleston for so long that my legs were hurting. I didn't tell him though, because I knew he would have made fun of me, so I kept quiet and was actually so relieved when we reached his yacht. He helped me getting on board and a big smile grew on my face when I paced across the deck. "I'll go get us drinks, make yourself comfortable," he told me, to what I simply nodded.

Rafe was nicer than I thought he was, even if he was sometimes pretty stupid, which wasn't a surprise to me. After he had brought up my dad, we didn't talk about it again, but I could tell he felt bad, because the way he looked at me was different. I tried to ignore it not to seem weak because I knew he didn't mean to say it to hurt me. I wouldn't have called Rafe a friend, but I was still glad we had shared those moments together.

I sat on the bow of the yacht, hearing him turning on the engine and slowly taking us out of the port. I looked at the sky and how beautiful it was out there, since the town, the landscapes, everything was breathtaking, even if the Outer Banks looked better. Our island was what we liked most on Earth, we even called it paradise, and it was probably the only thing on which Pogues and Kooks fully agreed.

After spending a few minutes alone, Rafe joined me and sat down on my right, his eyes glued on the amazing landscapes in front of us. He handed me a very small glass of what I assumed was beer and I thanked him with a head nod and a smile which he returned me. The sky was golden, since the sun was slowly beginning to set, and it was so beautiful that none of us dared to ruin it with words. We remained quiet for such a long time, appreciating the calmness ahead of us.

I took a sip of my drink and as the liquid poured down my throat, it burned me so badly that I began to cough. Rafe looked down at me as I closed my eyes, trying so hard to catch my breath. "What is t-this," I stuttered.

"Beer?" he laughed. "Have you never drank beer before?"

"That's not beer!" I argued, showing him the glass.

His eyes went wide and he bursted out in laugh, grabbing my tiny glass, before handing me his. "I gave you the wrong one I'm sorry, it was rhum," he said, laughing.

I chuckled once I was done coughing my soul out of my body, watching Rafe drinking rhum in awe. Not that I was envy, since I found it disgusting, but how could he drink it and like the taste of it when it was so sour that my whole stomach was destroyed after drinking a tiny sip out of his glass? Anyways, I drank the beer he had gotten me, which was way better and filled my mouth with a lighter taste.

"This is good," I expressed, smiling.

"Only weak people drink beer," he voiced, eying me to see my reaction. "Well, Pogues"

I opened my mouth in shock and slapped his arm, which led him to grab my wrists and tickle me. I hated tickles so badly that I made it to get out of his grip and I got up, running away from him. He followed me and chased me in his boat, as I ran inside it and he chased me through the room. I giggled as his arms trapped me against his naked chest and made it to escape, making him chuckle and sigh in my ear.

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