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Outer Banks, the Chateau July 11th, 202010:54pm

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Outer Banks, the Chateau
July 11th, 2020

I opened the Chateau's front door and stepped inside in a rush, feeling the chill of the rain begin to dissipate as I gently shook out my hair and stamped my feet on the doormat. I turned to close the door, but I was soon taken aback by the sight of all of my friends huddled together on the sofa, laughing. Their chuckles filled the air and brought warmth to my heart, before I realised I couldn't just walk up to them wearing Rafe's clothes.

I started to take the wet polo off me but when I realised my body was cut and bruised everywhere I figured out I couldn't just tell them I had surfed the surge or they'd kill me right away. Instead, I chose to run to my bedroom hoping they wouldn't see me. I took my clothes off and slid on dry fresh ones instead, which didn't smell like salted water nor rain.

Before I was even done getting dressed, my door cracked open and I turned around, startled. "Jeez! Do you ever knock?" I groaned, as I caught glimpse of John B's brunette hair.

"Where were you?" he inquired.

"With Susan," I lied, since the truth would allow me to face dark glances. "I didn't know you guys were gathering here today or I would have came earlier"

He sighed. "Were you really with her? Why don't I believe you, and why are you always lying?" he asked, quite aggressively.

I shook my wet hair again and got closer from where he was, looking up at him without flinching at all. "You're not my dad, so keep your questions for yourself, I'm not thirteen anymore," I argued.

"Yeah, I'm not your dad, and we don't even have one anymore, wanna know why? Because he did exactly what you did tonight okay? Kie saw you okay? Our dad drowned like you could have drowned tonight!" John B yelled at my face.

His words hurt me because he brought up our dad in our conflict only in order to sadden me, to make me feel guilty and stupid. I didn't even tear up, I just pursed my lips together and nodded. "Maybe there are other ways to show me that you care about me than saying this," I told him, patting his chest.

I then walked out of the room and joined the others in the living-room, sitting next to Kiara in the sofa. I rested my head on her shoulder and smiled warmly at all of them. "Hi," I greeted softly.

"Hi surfing girl," she said back and I rolled eyes, chuckling.

"Are we really going to talk about this?" I laughed.

"We thought you'd never come," Pope spoke up, making me turn to look at him. "hey, wanna- do you guys want to watch a movie?"

I loved Pope's personality so much, he was always calming, tempered the situation when it was tense and awkward. John B joined us and we laid on the sofa, putting on a movie which JJ had chosen and inserted in the movie reader. When Indiana Jones appeared on the screen, we all sighed since we had already watched it a thousand times, and ended up bursting out into laughter when JJ's face filled with disappointment.

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