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Outer Banks, the ChateauAugust 3rd, 202011:16 am

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Outer Banks, the Chateau
August 3rd, 2020
11:16 am

Our fathers names were everywhere, people talked about it in the street, posted about it on social media, the local tv channel was on repeat, Ward and Big John's war didn't even seem to be over. As if one of them dying and the other one going to jail wasn't enough to calm things down. People talked shit about my dad and honestly, I thought it would hurt me, but I couldn't care any less. I knew it drove John B insane but what could we do about it?

Nothing at all.

Our father was the bad guy and Ward had saved the island, everyone bought it, so we had no other option than let it happen, as annoying as it could be. I sighed since it was probably also a lot for Rafe who had only texted me a few words since we had returned from the mainland two days earlier. We had somehow avoided talking about our fathers as if we didn't know what was going on, but I was sure he knew just like me how this situation couldn't last any longer.

I made myself pretty for him, sprayed on perfume and got on my bicycle to visit him at his house. The streets weren't crowded but everyone stared at me like I was a witch and I honestly couldn't wait to arrive at Rafe's house because even though I didn't care what those people said about me, I didn't know how to act when people whispered and threw me rude glances. It had been the same at work on the previous day, but I didn't really care since I was just glad I had gotten my job back.

I entered the huge Cameron's mansion and hurried upstairs, where I knew I'd find Rafe, because when he wasn't hanging out by the Country Club or at Barry's, he was in his room. I swung open his bedroom's door after knocking and I found him by his desk, doing what he probably liked most on Earth, sniffing cocaine. I pretended not to care because I wasn't his mom and I couldn't blame him for finding a way to cope, but I did worry about his health.

"Hi druggie," I greeted softly, making my way behind him and placing my hands on his shoulders.

He put the cocaine bags back in his drawer, hiding them, and wiped the powder off his nose before getting up and smiling. "You look so pretty right now," he complimented me, cupping my cheeks with his hands and kissing me.

"Thank you," I smiled proudly.

"How are you?" he asked me with a more solemn tone and I sighed before making my way to his bed and sitting down on it.

He followed me slowly and sat down next to me before I responded. "I came here because I'm worried about you. Times are tough for both of us but I'm used to it, this is new for you," I told him.

He nodded and pressed a kiss on my forehead, while I wrapped my arms around his neck and then pulled him in a warm hug that I needed. We stayed in each other's arms for a few seconds and he rubbed the back of my head, as I focused on his scent.

"I'm okay," he breathed out.

I nodded and took my shoes off before laying on his bed and admiring the ceiling, wondering about how much more complicated the situation could get. Rafe did the same, he laid next to me, which allowed me to get a little closer from him and rest my head on his shoulder.

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