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Outer Banks, the ChateauAugust 9th, 20206:19pm

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Outer Banks, the Chateau
August 9th, 2020

"Here, let me help you," JJ voiced, grabbing the last box and carrying it outside himself since it was pretty heavy.

I smiled softly and felt Rafe's hand covering the low of my back protectively, as we both looked around and realised this was it. The furniture was still at its place but all of our personal belongings had been removed and as I stared at my house, I teared up at how soulless it seemed.

The laughs were covered with silence, the cries were covered with silence, the joy had been replaced by emptiness, nostalgia had been packed in small boxes and carried away. I rested my back on my boyfriend's chest and closed my eyes, as his lips found their way to the top of my head.

A few days had passed since Susan had told John B and I that we had to move in with her, but the situation with my brother was still exactly the same. We had barely talked to each other, I had spent most of my time packing and taking care of Rafe who got back home soon enough. My boyfriend looked so much better, the bruises on his face were almost all gone, only the ones covering his chest and back were still hurting him a little.

"How does it feel?" he asked me, rubbing my back up and down.

I remained silent a little and realised I didn't know how I felt either. "Weird, but I'll be fine. Thank you for helping, you know you didn't have to," I said.

He shook his head. "It's the least I could do. I'm gonna head home so you can have some alone time, I'll see you tonight," he voiced, standing in front of me.

"I'm tired, I'd rather sleep tonight," I exhaled sadly, as his two hands quickly found their way to my shoulders. "But I'll see you tomorrow, unless Mike calls me last minute, I'm not working"

"It wasn't a question, I'm picking you up at 8 tonight. I promised you a date," he chuckled proudly, and I threw my head back.

"Baby I'm really tired," I told him, which was true.

He smirked. "I know, I'll take care of you, bring your swimsuit. I'll wait for you in the car, don't be late or I'm coming to get you myself. Got it?" he threatened, making me roll eyes and giggle.

"Yeah, got it Mr Cameron," I chuckled.

He nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving, since JJ and Kie were just entering the room and he probably knew I wasn't really comfortable kissing him in front of other people, especially people who hated him. He left my house, walking confidently as always, as Kiara smiled bitterly at me, as if she knew how sad the whole situation was for me, but also for all of us.

We wouldn't be selling the Chateau, or at least not so soon, since no one would ever want to buy it and we didn't want to get rid of it, but we knew it would never be the same anymore. As if growing up and being on verge of all leaving for different schools or jobs wasn't enough.

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