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Outer Banks, The ChateauAugust 5th, 20209:55 am

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Outer Banks, The Chateau
August 5th, 2020
9:55 am

I was drinking some tea on the sofa and reading a book, which made me look like a grandma, when John B bursted inside of our house, opening the door and then slamming it so firmly it felt like the whole house was going to break. I put my small cup on the table near me and looked up from the book I was skimming through, only to find out my brother had scratches and bruises all over his tall body and face. "Jeez' what did you do?" I rolled eyes.

"Nothing, don't worry," he snapped.

"Oh, now you're talking," I voiced as he sat in front of me on a chair. "What happened?"

He didn't respond so I rolled eyes and walked to the bathroom where I grabbed the first aid-kit and then came back to him, grabbing a chair to sit close to him and be able to clean his wounds. I cleaned his wounds softly, making sure not to hurt him too much, wondering what he had just fought for and who had hurt him. He winced in pain when I put product on the cut which was on his cheek and I felt bad for him, because no matter what had happened to him must have been painful.

"I did what I had to. Now Pogues and Kooks are even," he claimed. "The Camerons and the Routledges are even"

I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He cupped my left cheek so that our eyes would connect and I locked my eyes in his, extremely confused. "Just don't worry about me okay? I'm okay," he stated.

I nodded and I was about to ask him more questions when my phone began to ring and I grabbed it. I couldn't tell who was calling me since it was an unknown number, but I still picked up and brought my phone to my ear.

"Hello? who's this?" I asked.

"Hello, Miss Routledge?" the woman asked.

"Yes it's me," I replied, frowning.

"I'm sorry to disturb, I'm Dr Hudson, your boyfriend Rafe Cameron got involved in a fight and he's at the hospital with us right now. We thought we'd let you know since his step mother is currently not on the island and he doesn't really have anyone else to bring him clothes or keep him company," she expressed.

My heart fell down to my knees, to my tiptoes, it felt like someone was stabbing me right in the heart a thousand times. I obviously thought about Barry and the gang first, because if Rafe had tried to tell him he wanted to quit because he was now rich as hell, he had probably not accepted it so soon. My eyes filled up with tears and my heart hurt even more when my eyes landed on John B and it all made sense.

Kiara had warned me earlier, she had told me John B wanted to fight Rafe, and all of a sudden, my brother came back home bruised pretending he had done the right thing for our family. Barry didn't send Rafe to the hospital, no gang member had, but my own brother had destroyed my boyfriend to the point where he was sent to an hospital.

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