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Outer Banks, the ChateauJuly 15th, 202010:45pm

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Outer Banks, the Chateau
July 15th, 2020

I kissed Rafe's lips a last time and slid back on my clothes, while he helped me so I could join my friends faster. He kept on kissing my shoulders and I eventually pushed him off me, making him frown. He was so hot, his chest was so muscular, I could have watched him all night, but I had already been gone for too long. My friends were probably wondering why I had suddenly left for half an hour, and they were maybe even worried.

I couldn't do that to them, not to John B, who was already in so much pain. I felt awful for enjoying my time with who had hurt my loved ones for so long, protecting him by lying to the people I was closest with. Rafe must have seen something was happening in my head because he took his lips off my shoulders and replaced a strand of my hair behind my ear, after putting his shorts back on.

"What's up?" he asked.

"This is very bad," I stated, fixing my hair. "I just had sex with you in your car, in front of my house, where all of my friends are gathered, knowing that my friends are the people you beat up on a daily basis"

He bursted out in laugh and kissed my forehead. "You can see it that way yeah, or you can just think about how great it was and stop worrying about everything," he shrugged, looking through the window.

"It's easy for you to say, you're Rafe Cameron, what on Earth could you be worried about? Not having cocaine anymore?" I laughed, but realised soon enough I was saying horrible things which I didn't mean because of anxiety.

"Not- not what?" he inquired.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it," I bit my lower lip, looking in his eyes. "I just- I'm so terrified that someone will find out about us seeing each other that-"

He nodded and pressed a kiss on my forehead, which was so surprising because I expected him to scream at me that I was just a stupid and immature Pogue. The kiss was soft and comforting, it spread warmth throughout my entire body, filling up my soul with calmness and serenity. This outburst of affection didn't allow me to finish my sentence so he went ahead.

"You're too damn worried," he told me.

"I have reasons to be," I replied.

Rafe shrugged. "Look, you don't have your mom anymore, your dad was murdered, you live in a house that's smaller than my boat, you have to work 5 days a week to eat two meals a day and you're scared to be here with me? I think you've been through enough shit not to care about this," he voiced.

I laughed softly at first because he was right, but then something caught my attention. It was just a detail in his sentence but it wasn't just a detail in my life, so my laugh subsided and I tilted my head to the side. "Did you just say my dad got murdered?" I asked.

"Oh hum-" he shook his head. "No, I mean, that's what you think right?"

I shrugged. "No, I don't know if he got murdered, it's a possibility, but not the only one. I just highly doubt he drowned," I said.

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