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Outer Banks, the HospitalAugust 6th, 20202:22 am

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Outer Banks, the Hospital
August 6th, 2020
2:22 am

I woke up as I heard knocks on the door, realising I had been sleeping for hours on this chair, holding Rafe's hand. I let go of him and groaned as I walked to the front door, pretty sure I knew who was here since I was the one who had asked him to come. I smiled as I swung open the door slowly and my eyes landed on JJ. "Hi, get in," I whispered so I wouldn't wake Rafe up.

My best friend walked in and handed me the bag in which he had put all of the stuff I had asked him to bring me, including mostly clothes and health products. He swiftly stared at Rafe and then focused back on me. "You got everything you need? I can come back tomorrow if you want," he mumbled.

"I'll be fine, thank you so much," I voiced, so grateful I had him. "I hope you didn't forget about the Russian dictionary"

He laughed as I referred to the item he had planned on bringing to come save me from Foster Care, and I laughed too. Since I had rushed to the hospital so fast on the previous day, I had forgotten to bring clothes for myself, so I had texted JJ through the night, wondering if he could bring them to me. I didn't expect him to show up so soon, I thought he'd wait for the morning, but since he didn't and drove through the night just to bring me my stuff, I felt both grateful and guilty.

"How are you?" he asked me, lowering his tone.

"I'm good, he's fine he just needs rest and he can go home," I explained. "How are you? How's it going with your dad?"

He shrugged. "Good I guess. He's not perfect but he hasn't been hitting me in a long time," he expressed, warming up my heart.

I pulled him in a hug and nuzzled up my face in his neck, bliss filling my body up as I realised JJ was probably out of trouble and his father wouldn't abuse him no more. At least I hoped it would last. He wrapped his big arms around me and I pulled away after a few seconds to look at him. "You should go to sleep, thank you so much," I whispered.

He nodded and kissed my forehead before walking out of the hospital room, leaving me alone with my asleep boyfriend. Well, as my eyes landed on him, I realised he wasn't so asleep, his eyes were on me, making me feel so vulnerable and weak.

"JJ? Really?" he mocked.

I rolled eyes at him and sat back on the small chair I had spent the last few hours sleeping in, quite uncomfortably. "Don't make a scene, he was just being nice," I told him.

"Hey, do you wanna know something?" Rafe asked, shaking his head as a laugh escaped his throat, and I nodded, unsure what he was about to say. "I like him, he's my boy"

I frowned. "What?" I laughed nervously.

"I'm serious. He's nice to you, he'd do anything for you," he said seriously.

I must have blushed a little, or have turned whiter than the bed sheets, but I definitely didn't make it to hide my surprise. Rafe and JJ both hated each other reciprocally and had spent their whole life fighting against each other, especially before Rafe and I were a thing.

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