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Outer Banks, The WreckAugust 3rd, 202011:45 pm

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Outer Banks, The Wreck
August 3rd, 2020
11:45 pm

"Yes Pope show 'em!" Kiara cheered as he danced and we all clapped in our hands, laughing.

Pope moved his body to the sound of the music, not shy like he usually was since he had gotten already way too many drinks. Kiara joined him and danced around him, as he placed his hands on her hips, making both JJ and I burst out in laugh. John B was somehow still sitting alone, focusing on the glass he had in his hands, filled with Vodka. I had seen him pouring himself a few drinks of alcohol and even if I probably should have stopped dancing to check up on him, I didn't feel like it.

"I'm a mother-fucking dancer guys!" Pope claimed loudly, to what Kiara frowned.

"Yeah, right-" she tried not to hurt his feelings by contradicting him.

I was about to answer when the restaurant's door swung open, which was a little surprising at this time of the night, especially since it was closed. All of our eyes landed on who had decided to join us and my heartbeat raced up when I caught sight of my boyfriend, looking so fucking hot, holding flowers. He was wearing a tank that made his shoulders and arms look even more muscular, and as his eyes met mine, I realised I had never seen anyone so beautiful before.

The Pogues stared at me, including John B who rolled eyes, and I bit my inner cheek before patting on JJ's shoulder. "I'll be right back," I mumbled.

I jogged towards my boyfriend and grabbed his hand, leading him in a corner of the restaurant where no one would see us. After making sure we were hidden, Rafe slammed his lips on mine, as if he was unable to wait a single second more. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck, tasting all of our love but also the beer and blunts I had gotten through the night.

"Hi," he breathed out when we pulled away.

I chuckled and he handed me the flowers, my smile growing harder as I admired his gift and tried so hard not to tear up because I was a little tipsy and it made me a little bit too emotional to handle it. "What is this for?" I asked.

"I don't really need an occasion to get my girl flowers," he told me.

I didn't buy it, Rafe didn't do this flower thing, he wasn't the type of man who did this for anyone, at least not without an occasion. I shrugged and tilted my head to the side, before placing the flowers on a table near us and pulling him in a hug. "Thank you so much," I exhaled.

"Also-" he pulled away and placed his hands on my arms. "When were you going to tell me for Peterkin?"

He was smiling wildly and I noticed he was truly happy for me, which relieved a part of my guilt, but also saddened me, because while great news happened to me, he lost everything he had. I sighed softly and grabbed his hands, throwing my head back. "I didn't want to tell you now, you have other things to deal with," I stated.

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