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Outer Banks, the MarshAugust 17th, 20203:05pm

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Outer Banks, the Marsh
August 17th, 2020

Maybe in the end, being a Pogue on Figure-Eight wasn't so bad. I got to enjoy the best part of being a Pogue, such as surfing everyday, fishing, drinking beer and weed, but I also got to live in a huge house with a spacious room and a king-sized bed. Susan had made everything she could to make us feel at home, and even though I would probably never consider her house as mine, I appreciated how hard she tried.

She allowed me to hang out with my friends as much as I wanted, Rafe came over almost every night and things slowly started to get back to normal. JJ occupied the Chateau, he slept there, cooked there, but he still visited his dad because he was the most loyal son I had ever seen. Going back to the Chateau felt good, especially since JJ took well care of the place and made it look similar to the Chateau we had once lived in.

I laid on the HMS bow and closed my eyes to protect them from the dazzling sun rays hitting on our tanned bodies. My friends laughters filled my eardrums and a soft smile spread across my lips when I quickly re-opened my eyes and caught sight of Pope and Kiara kissing on the other side of the boat. John B and JJ were too busy trying to throw blueberries into each other's open mouthes to notice their friends make-out session, so I immediately went back to closing my eyes not to embarrass Kie who threw me a rapid glance.

"JJ, you're gonna fall over," I warned him, since he was so close to the edge.

"Give me a break," he snapped. "Alright John B, one more try"

Not even three seconds after his words, the sound of something falling in the marsh water led me to open my eyes and I began to laugh uncontrollably when I noticed JJ had indeed tripped and fallen over. Kiara and Pope hurried towards the edge of the boat and as JJ resurfaced, our laughs subsided so we could make sure he was fine.

"Guys I think I just lost my two legs," he complained.

Since he was swimming and he didn't seem so hurt, a string of laughter escaped my throat and I took my t-shirt off, before diving in the water. Everyone followed and when I resurfaced, we were all gathered in the water, swimming around JJ who kept on being dramatic. I swam towards him as we both held on to the boat and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" I asked him, smiling gently.

"Stop acting like it's funny!" he groaned.

"It's funny because I warned you," I stated, to what he rolled eyes. "Come on, what would make you feel better?"

He smirked. "A kiss," he teased.

I pushed his face away from me and swam towards the others, laughing at his words. He went after me and tickled my ribs, making me laugh so hard that I swallowed water and began to cough. "JJ!" Kiara argued as she saw me struggling to breathe.

John B held out his arms and I grabbed it, holding on to him, catching my breath against him. Things had slowly started to get better between us, we just avoided talking about Rafe or what had happened, and each time Rafe came over, I made sure he didn't cross John B's path. We all swam back to the ladder, before getting back on the boat's deck.

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