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???, the yachtJuly 13th, 2020??:??

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???, the yacht
July 13th, 2020

I woke up, realising I had not even fallen asleep purposely, looking at my skin which, more than tanning, had burned. I groaned and grabbed my t-shirt, putting it on to cover my sore skin. I then looked all around and skimmed the deck trying to catch a glimpse of Rafe. The boat was not sailing anymore, Rafe had stopped it in a port I didn't know, since I had never left the island.

I slowly got up and walked inside the yacht, where I found Rafe, peering down at his phone screen. He looked up when he heard me and his serious and strict facial features somehow turned softer when his eyes landed on me. "I was waiting for you to wake up, we're here," he said.

"We're where?" I asked.

"In Charleston," he stated, as if he had been there a hundred times already.

I had never left our island, been in a plane or even just truly visited Figure-Eight, since the only times I went there was to work at the Wreck or to visit Kiara. "Ch-Charlest-fuck," I breathed out.

He got up and nodded, smiling. I looked up at him, I would have been able to talk about this for years but his height, the way his buzzed hair looked, his massive shoulders, his tanned chest, everything was so unnecessarily attractive. He must have caught me staring at his muscled body cause he chuckled and tapped my shoulder. "It's rude to stare," he joked.

I blushed a little and right when I was about to answer, my phone rang. I recognised the sound of it and so immediately walked to the counter where my bag was. I shoved my hand inside it and grabbed my cellphone, sighing when JJ's name appeared on the screen. I couldn't just ignore him, but I couldn't tell him the truth either, because he would have killed me for being on Rafe's boat just for fun.

I threw a rapid glance at Rafe who stared at my phone and I immediately clicked on the green symbol, taking the call. Rafe's lips formed a smirk and he rolled eyes at me when I began to talk.

"Hi Jay," I talked.

"Hi where are you? You weren't answering my texts and you're not home," his voice was trembling, allowing me to guess he was panicked.

"Chill, I'm safe," I immediately reassured him, throwing a look at Rafe who was still very focused on me. "I- I'm on the mainland"

Rafe bursted out in laugh and my eyes went wide, begging him to stay quiet so I wouldn't get caught and JJ wouldn't be disappointed in me. "You're where?" he asked me.

"Look, I'm 17, and I never saw anything else than our island. I wanted to see what it looked like outside," I came up with a lie, panicking a little, which was obvious in the way my voice was shaking.

"Without me? Without even telling me?" JJ seemed so saddened and probably felt so betrayed. "I would have came with you"

"I know, I'm sorry JJ," I just said, not daring to come up with a new lie.

HELIOPHILIA | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now