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Outer Banks, the beachJuly 15th, 202011:25am

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Outer Banks, the beach
July 15th, 2020

A day had passed since I had came back from Charleston and John B and I had sort of made things up without even talking about it. As much as he annoyed me for treating me like a little baby and as much as I probably annoyed him for hiding things from him, we had somehow moved on. Well, I knew he didn't actually move on, but JJ had most definitely talked to him and he had stopped ignoring me.

Since Midsummers was arriving, Pope and Kie were both busy working, which meant they couldn't hang out with us a lot. I grabbed my surfboard and joined JJ and John B at the beach, where they had already been surfing for a few hours without me. I was walking on the sand, the grains burning my feet a little, when my phone rang in my back pocket.

I dropped my board on the floor and couldn't help but smile when I read what had appeared on my screen. It was the last thing I expected to receive, coming from the man I believed had already forgotten about my existence. I clicked on the text and read it fully.

Can we see each other? I need to talk to you asap

I threw my phone back in my bag not answering to Rafe and took the clothes covering my swimsuit off, before running towards the waves JJ and John B were already riding. I didn't want to think about Rafe in this moment, since it was a mess, I just wanted to surf and have a great time with my friends. I jumped on my board and paddled in the water, until I reached my brother, who was waiting for the perfect wave.

"This one! Ready?" I asked him.

"Come let's go!" he told me.

We both positioned ourselves in the right position and angle, before paddling with our arms and getting up on our boards. Surfing felt so relieving, so relaxing, that I forgot about everything which wasn't related to the ocean. The three of us surfed these waves for ages, as tourists stopped by and watched us.

I caught JJ trying to impress those girls and it made me laugh so much that I almost fell off my board. I paddled towards him and collided with his board on purpose so he fell down in the waves, groaning. When he resurfaced, we both walked closer from the shore so our feet touched the sand and he splashed water at my face. "I hate you! Why would you do that? They were so into me," he said pointing at them, but we both realised they were actually staring at John B.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked him.

"Fuck, why does he always have the pretty ones?" he asked, which made me burst out in laugh.

"Poor JJ," I placed my hand on his cheek, trying so hard not to laugh more. "I'm sure you'll find the right one, she's maybe somewhere near us, but I know she's not a Touron"

He rolled eyes and took my hand off his cheek gently. "Yeah she's not," he stated.

I grabbed my board and paddled away from him, before joining my brother who had kept on surfing. The three of us rode waves for hours, appreciating each wave as if it was the very last time we'd ever get to surf. There was really nothing quite like the feeling of being propelled forward by the power of the ocean, freedom filling up our bodies as we felt so close to the water.

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