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Outer Banks, The WreckJuly 25th, 202010:19pm

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Outer Banks, The Wreck
July 25th, 2020

"Wow boys did you spot this? Two pretty girls behind the counter, looks like the boss only hires hot ones," a voice called out.

Kiara and I stared at each other before turning around, ready to throw hands. We were used to dealing with annoying men, sometimes even drunk, trying to get us in their pants with shitty sentences like this one. I highly doubted it would have seduced anyone, since it was the perfect mix of cringe and creepy. We expected to see a group of strangers, probably in their thirties, drool in the corner of their mouths, but instead, our eyes landed on our three best friends, hilarious.

"I fucking told you my Brad Pitt impression always worked," JJ bragged.

"If you wanted to disgust us, yeah it worked JJ," Kiara snapped.

"Sorry to break it to you, but it sounded more like Scooter Grubbs than Brad Pitt," I added.

Kiara bursted out in laugh and high-fived me, while the boys tried so hard to support JJ and not laugh at our remarks. JJ clenched his jaw as if he was offended and it only led us to laugh more at his face. I was so glad the boys had decided to come around and hang out because late nights at the Wreck were always the best ones, but I had a few hours left to work, unlike Kie who's shift was shorter than mine since she had just came here as an extra for the night and the restaurant was surprisingly not crowded.

"Can we sit or are we supposed to watch you washing dishes all night? I thought the waitresses were more efficient here, Jeez," JJ complained.

"Hey kid, don't talk that way to my girls, it's rude and you can't do half of the job they do here!" Mike argued with the blonde boy, who's face had gone paler.

"I-y-yeah, sorry Mr Carrera," he replied.

"Dad he was just joking, I'll get a table ready for you guys," Kiara voiced.

She led them to the back of the room where was an unoccupied table and they all made themselves comfortable there, waiting for us to bring them free food even if we weren't really allowed to do so. We brought them fries and water, as people began to leave and their laughs filled the room. I kept on working all night, since even though the restaurant wasn't crowded like it usually was, the customers were extremely demanding and hard to please.

Kiara had already joined the boys for a little while when Mike Carrera came to me and placed an hand on my shoulder, a proud smile on his lips. "Hey, I got this, go have some fun with your friends," he told me.

I shook my head. "You're not gonna handle all these tables alone," I stated.

"So you're insinuating I'm too old to take care of my own restaurant and customers? Janel, don't worry, if I needed you I wouldn't even have offered to shorten your shift in the first place, and if it's for the salary, don't worry, I won't take this off your pay," he added.

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