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Outer Banks, Cameron's house
July 17th, 2020

A full day had passed since Rafe had visited me home, and even if we had texted each other a little, I missed seeing his pretty face. I had tried not to think about JJ's kiss too much, even if it was complicated since I could still taste it every time I closed my eyes and pictured it every time he showed up. Rafe had told me to come visit him at home so I had not hesitated a lot, I had gotten on my bicycle and made my way to TannyHill.

I placed my bicycle near the gate of their residence, tying it down so no one would steal it even if I highly doubted it would attract anyone. It was old, rusted, and no one really stole other people's belongings in the Outer Banks. I paced through their huge yard, clean and perfectly maintained, which didn't fail to amaze me, even if I wasn't a fan of fancy things.

I knocked on the front door but since no one came to welcome me, I got in by myself and climbed upstairs, where Rafe's room was. I tried to be discreet and then knocked on the door, which was already opened. Rafe was sitting on his desk chair and turned around, immediately hiding the plastic bags he was holding when he saw me, which made me giggle.

"Hi druggie," I greeted.

"Shut up," he laughed and we both made our way towards each other.

I was already smiling wildly when his arms found their way around my waist and he kissed me softly. I appreciated to kiss his lips again so I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him in more, which led him to chuckle. "I don't care if you do drugs, you're a grown man," I voiced as I pulled away from his warm embrace and stared at him.

"I don't care what you think about me doing drugs," he obviously lied.

"Oh yeah, that's why you hid it," I smiled and sat on his king-sized bed.

He clenched his jaw at my words, smirking, and then sat next to me on his mattress. I looked up at him and my heart skipped a beat when he brushed my hair off my neck and began to press kisses on my skin, his lips lingering on it. I pushed him off me not to fully melt under his touch and thought of something to say to distract him before I'd give up fighting the urge to let him do whatever he wanted with me.

"I'll go to Midsummers," I broke in.

He removed his lips from where they were on my neck and stared at me. "Shit, are you really going?" he asked in disbelief.

"Mhm, Kie made me want to go, she's been talking about it for ages," I said.

He nodded and rolled eyes. "I thought for a second you'd come with me, but those Pogues always come first don't they?" he reproached, eying me.

"Yes they come first," I got up and grabbed both of his hands in mine, facing his scornful glance. "But I lied, I'm not going to Midsummers for her, I'm going for you"

HELIOPHILIA | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now