♡Part 2♡

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I'm walking to first period now. And there are lots of people in the halls so I have to push past them and avoid touching them. You never know they might have not even showered. The bell rang like... a minute ago I think? I don't remember. I have english for first period. I've found finally found the area it's in but I don't know where it i—

I bump into someone and stumble backwards. "Oh shit sorry" I hear someone say. I look up and see a girl with red hair. "Oh uh it's fine!" I smile. "Are you new here? I've never seen you before" she says looking at me up and down.

She has the cutest freckles and beautiful green eyes. Her skin looks so soft like a feather. Her hair is down and she's waving her hand in my face. I shake my head.

"Oh uh what'd you say?" I ask flushed a bit. "Are you new here?" She chuckles. "Oh uh yeah!" I say "My name is Kiara!" "Wow.. that's such a nice name! I got named Quinn.." she frowns. "What? That name is amazing!" She chuckles. "Thanks! Uh where are you headed?"

My eyes widen. Shit! Nobody is in the halls. "English and oh my god we are gonna be late for our classes!" She puts her hands on her hips and squints. "I'm the hall monitor.. so yes I'm obviously gonna be late to class but your class right here." She points to the doors right next to us. "Oh" I say. "Uh thanks. I'll see you around Quinn!" I grin and open one of the doors.

"You're late." The teacher says as she looks at me expectantly. "Uh I couldn't find the class.." I bite my lip. "Are you.." she picks up a piece of paper from her desk. "ah yes.. Kiara Bermen. Well please introduce yourself." She smiles. I inhale a shaky breath as I turn my head toward the class and swallow. "Um I'm Kiara and I.." I look at the teacher but she's writing something on the board. "Am not introducing myself" I mumble as I quickly walk over to the back of the class. I hear some girls giggle and feel a twist in my stomach.

Just as I'm sitting down and taking off my back I notice there's a boy next to me. His hair is short and he's wearing a cap. He has chubby cheeks too. He's pretty cute and he catches me staring. I immediately set my bag down and face the board.

What are you Kiara?! Some kind of creep?

"Im Gustav." I hear him say. I turn my head toward him and nod. "You don't have to be nervous you know. Those girls weren't laughing at you." He says leaning toward me. "How do you know?" I mumble but loud enough for him to hear. He points toward the teacher and that's when I see it. There's a brown stain on her skirt. I grin and try to hold back my laugh by using my hand but fail and I let out a quiet laugh. Gustav starts laughing quietly too.

We are laughing uncontrollably for so long that my stomach hurts and tears are falling from his eyes. Other classmates see us and start laughing too. The teacher is explaining god knows what but we're way too busy.

After class Gustav catches up with me. He says he wants to walk me to my history class because his friend is there and because he wants to talk to me. We make jokes about the teacher and laugh at them.

Gustav is super kind and funny. He's now a new friend and I absolutely love him. He just made my first day probably one of the best first days! Oh and that hallway girl. What was her name?... Oh Quinn! She was also very kind.

We are walking into the history class when I hear a high pitched voice. "Tom please just— let me sit next to you!" I look toward the voice and see a brunette haired girl begging some guy with dreads to let her sit next to him. Someone next to him has caught my eye. He's wearing all black and it rolling his eyes.

The brunette girl sighs. "At least let me sit on your lap.." she says and that's when I hear some familiar voice say "oh my god Vanessa just shut up! We can't have peace and quiet without you whining about the fact that Tom is sitting with him BROTHER!! Get over yourself get a life and go sit with your best friend you brat!" Quinn. I stare at her with my jaw open. The class has gone quiet and the two boys sitting next to each other are staring at her.

Gustav begins to laugh, drawing attention to us. "I- oh my goodness!" He says clutching his stomach. "Did you hear that Kiara?" He says leaning on a table. I then burst out laughing because of how ridiculous his laugh sounds.

"What's so funny?" We hear someone say. Instantly we both stop laughing. We look up and see a teacher walking in. His jaw is set and he's looking at Gustav and I with both eyebrows raised waiting expectantly for an answer.

Gustav and I fix our posture and look at the teacher then at each other. Then again we burst out laughing and the teacher yells at both of us. He tells Gustav to go to his class and for me to sit down. I walk over to Quinn's desk and she's smiling at me. "I see you've met one of the four band members of Tokio Hotel" she says. My eyes widen. WHAT?!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! My neck hurts but it's def worth it.

Make sure to vote my sweeties !!

Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now