♡Part 31♡

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I try my hardest to not make any noise as I walk into the house slowly. Everyone is asleep and I'm not gonna risk getting in trouble.

"Where were you?" I hear someone say. I groan and stop what I'm doing. I then look at the couch to see who was speaking to me. "Go to bed Cora." I say rolling my eyes.

It's hard to see in the darkness but you can tell that it's Cora by her big round glasses.

"No! You've changed so much after what happened on tour. You won't speak to any of us and it seems like everyone except Quinn annoys you. So stop being a little bitch at just tell me what's going on?!" She yells.

"Fuck off." I begin walking up the stairs when she says, "Bill called me saying he was worried about you."

I pause.

"He said that you were different and you looked more sad and you looked so tired. So.. depressed." She says, I can hear her getting closer. "I told him that you cut yourself and he's coming over tomorrow."

I flinch when she says the words 'cut yourself' like it was normal. Only Cora knew I was self harming and only her. She said she'd keep it a secret. Fucking traitor.

"I had to tell someone because obviously I can't help. I thought Bill would understand."

I turn around and see her at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed. "Okay." I say, turning around and continuing to walk up the stairs.

I shut my room door and lock it. I throw my purse on my bed and walk over to my makeup desk. My eyes feel droopy but I can't sleep with my makeup on. I hear my phone vibrate in my purse.

I walk over to my bed and look for my phone in my purse. I take it out and check to see who's messaged me.

Oh it's Quinn.


Hey! I gave some cute boys your number cause I thought maybe they'd be your type instead of Tom so have fun! And a lot if you know what I mean ;)

I drop my phone on my bed, rolling my eyes. She always does this. She keeps trying to get Tom out of my head but it never works. Plus those assholes that she gave my number to are ugly men that are like twenty years older than me.

I begin removing my makeup with my makeup wipes then go into the bathroom to cleanse my face. I do my skin care then change my clothes and hop onto my bed. I lazily kick my purse off my bed and grab my phone.

I huff as my head falls back onto my pillow. I already have 13 notifications. Make that 14. I block each and every one of them and put my phone of my bedside table. I lay my blanket on me when I hear another ding.

Didn't I block all of them? Maybe they have another phone.

I grab my phone again and check who texted me. Tommy. My phone starts ringing and the name on the screen is Tommy as well.

Fuck no. Im not giving in that easily but.. I mean I do miss him. Plus what he did to me tonight definitely needs some explaining.

Instead of answering the phone I close it and put it back on my bedside table and ignore the sounds coming out of it.

I hear muffled noises from outside my door then hear loud knocking. "Kiara open the door!" My dad yells from the other side. "You have guests!"

As I sit upright I feel a sudden wave of nausea hit me and a sharp pain in my head. "Shit.." I mumble holding my head in my hands.

I slowly stand up, trying to ignore the pain in my head. The goddamn alcohol.

I'm standing in front of my door and slowly I unlock it. Someone then opens the door in a quick motion and I feel arms tightly wrap around me.

"What?.." I whisper when I smell the familiar scent of Bill. "Why Kiara why'd you do that?!" He yells. I can hear sobs forming.

I just stand there when my hands begin moving upwards and my arms wrap around him. I look up seeing Jayla, Gustav, Georg, Cora, my dad, and Tom standing and just watching us.

Jayla has sadness all written all over her face and so does everyone else except Tom. He's just staring at me, emotionless.

Bill pulls back and wipes away his tears. His eyes are red. "Kiara.. you know that Quinn isn't a good person but you are still friends with her." He mumbles.

I just stare at him. Motionless and empty.

"Did you do it because of us? We never meant to hurt you Kiara I swear. Tom and I are so sorry." He says pulling me into another hug. I don't hug him back this time.

I don't even know what to think anymore. My whole life is just a blur to me and I can't seem to have some time to myself to think at all without someone disturbing me.

"How about we leave Tom and Kiara alone?" Jayla says grabbing onto Bills shoulders and tugging softly. Her saying that makes my shoulders tense and my eyes grow wide.

I cannot show that I'm scared or don't want to but I also can't be in a room with him alone.

I cross my arms. "Nobody is talking with me alone."

"Actually yes I am." Tom says walking tnto the room and Bill and Jayla back up into the hallway. He shuts the door and locks it. He slowly walks up to me.

I try to make myself seem less scared. It takes everything to make myself not back up as his face and mine get closer and closer. He doesn't break eye contact with me.

He's intense. Really. Fucking. Intense. I can't feel his body heat. That's how close we are.

I feel myself shudder. He lets out a deep chuckle. He cups my chin and his lips are slightly brushing against my neck. He moves his lips to my ear and whispers, "Can I kiss you?"

"No." I whisper, but my voice is shaky. His other hand moves to my lower back and he presses on it making our body's touch. He presses his lips to my collarbone. "You do want me to though."

His hand that was cupping my chin, goes to the back of my thigh and he begins rubbing it.

I feel myself wanting to press my legs together tightly so badly as his hand slowly moves closer to my inner thigh.

I can't show him that I'm tensing up because of his touch. I can't.
Hope you guys liked this part! I'm so tired and it's like what? 12:00pm and I wanna just sleep. I'm kinda doing better and Tysm for all the support. I also saw my story on a tiktok for Tom Kaulitz Wattpad recommendations so thank you for making me go viral with this story I love you all.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote !! :3

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