♡Part 10♡

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As I enter the school building everyone looks up at me giving me dirty looks.

What's going on?

I take a deep breath and continue walking. I hear people whispering things and people looking at me weirdly. Then I feel something pull me inside a classroom. "Ow! What the fu-" as I turn around I see Tom, Gustav, and Jayla.

"Do you guys know why people are looking at me like that?" I say putting my bag down. "Yes, someone decided to make copies of this." Jayla pulls out a piece of paper that looks exactly like the note. "Is that?" I ask taking a step forward. "Yes it is" Tom says. "Oh.. well why are they giving me dirty looks?" I ask confused.

It's Quinn they should be giving that to, not me.

"Well they do believe you tried to set Tom up with Quinn." Gustav says shrugging his shoulders. "But Quinn hasn't showed up yet." Tom says looking at Jayla with his eyebrows raised. "And we wonder why.."

"I'm so confused." I say looking back and forth between Tom and Jayla. "Honey" Jayla says grabbing my shoulders. "Quinn made the copies"

"Wait what?.." I say in the most stupidest way ever. "Did you not hear what I just said Kiara?" Jayla says placing her hands on her hips. She looks like she's ready to throw hands.

Tom sighs and crosses his arms. "Girls around the school have been talking about bashing you." Tom says not making eye contact with me.

Weird but okay..

"I really don't see the-" Someone barges in and we all turn facing the door. "We found her!" A breathless Georg says. "Who?-" I feel Tom grab my wrist and pull me out of the classroom. "Who?!" I yell trying to keep up with how fast Tom is walking. "Quinn."

Quinn is in the janitor's closet.

"And how long did it take you to find her?" I asked Georg. "23 minutes" he said with his hands on his hips. "Well isn't the janitors closet the best place to look?" I say raising my eyebrows. "Okay guys enough." Tom grabs my wrist pulling me next to him. Quinn is standing there with a proud face.

"Why'd you put copies of the note all over the school?" Tom says, he clenches his jaw.

God damn. He actually kinda... Snap out of it!

"Because I knew the girls would hate her after what she did." Quinn says. "What did I do?" I ask, confused. "You wrote the note" she says smiling at me.

"Okay you need to take those down right now and tell everyone the truth." Tom says. "Well how about... no" she says. "Wait why would you even write that in the first place?" Georg asks Quinn. He takes a few slow steps forward.

"Because she took away something I wanted!" Quinn yells. I cover my ears. Damn that was loud. "What did you want?" Tom asks. "You.. I wanted you!" She walks up to Tom and puts her hands on his face.

Tom backs away. "Don't fucking touch me Quinn." Quinn tries to grab Tom again but I shove her against a shelf. "Ow!" She yelps, falling. "Take them down and tell the truth or I'll bleach your goddamn hair!" I yell.

Tom grabs me by the waist and pulls me away from her. I mouth the word 'whore' to her and she grits her teeth. "Please Quinn just— do it." Tom says helping her up.

What the fuck?

I cross my arms and Tom tells something to Georg and then Georg and Quinn walk out. As I walk toward the door Tom stops me. "Not you." He says sternly. He walks closer to me. His mouth barely touching mine.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.

He smiles and leans in a little closer. Our lips are touching.

I pull away a little, nervous. But Tom closes the gap between us and kisses me.

It's a very soft kiss. Passionate, lovely. It's also very deep.

He grips my waist tightly and slams my against the wall. He lifts my shirt up a little, teasing me. I feel his fingertips softly brush my skin. I shiver a bit.

He deepens the kiss even more and his hands are at the button of my jeans. He's waiting for confirmation and I nod a little, trying to keep our kiss intact. He gets it and unbuttons my pants.

He slips his hand down my pants but not my panties. I'm so desperate. He begins to rub my clit in circles. I whimper. He rubs it with a bit more pressure. I whimper even louder.

I love doing this. I love it soooo much. I think I love it too much. But anyway in part 11 you're gonna get the 🤨🤨 part. But I really wanna know. Do you want dark smut or just smut.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

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