♡Part 21♡

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Grabbing my phone I text Tom.



Oh hey Ki what's up?

I heard you're going on tour on Monday till next Sunday and I was wondering.... If Jayla and I could tag along.

Sure but I'm not sure our manager will allow that but I'll see. I'm super excited to see you though ;))

Haha! Me too

I'll see you later. Maybe

Also don't forget to bring the thongs I bought you.

Wait what?..

Oh yeah I sent some thongs to your house. Did you not see them?..

I gotta go bye!

I jump up from Jaylas bed and quickly put on some clothes. I grab my purse and phone then quickly run downstairs.

Oh fuck oh fuck. If my dad sees that he's gonna be pissed.

I quickly get on my new bike and start to peddle down the sidewalk.

I finally get to my house and quickly hop off my bike and as I run towards the front door and suddenly. I trip. I land on the ground with a huff and turn around to see a box.

I sigh relieved. I grab the box and go inside. "I'm back!" I say, running up the stairs and into my room.

After breakfast me and Jayla decided to get come rest after we heard about the tour Tokio Hotel was going on.

I lock my door and run over to my bed placing the rest of my things down on my makeup desk. I take the box with me to my bed.

Looking down at the box it says it's addressed to me. I open the box up and see... we'll books.

Not just any books though. Kinda like... history books. About like the 18th century. I roll my eyes and throw the box to the ground.

Someone knocks on my door. I stand up and walk towards my door, I unlock it. "Ye-" I pause. My sister Sam was holding a box. With thongs in it. "Tom left you a note too." She said lifting up the note. She shoves past me and into my room.

"Okay listen. I didn't know you were involved with the Tom kaulitz." She places the box on my bed and crosses her arms.

I rub the back of my neck. "Oh and also," she picks up the box again. Once again revealing the thongs. "Why'd he send you thongs? What are you guys. Are you like... a thing?" She puts the box down again.

"No!" I say walking up to her and grabbing the box. "We just... have this joke on sending each other stupid unusual things." I raise my eyebrows. I place the box on the ground. I take the note out of her hand and point to the door.

"Also please get out. And never and I mean never go through things that are addressed to me." I say clenching my jaw.

"Okay okay!" Sam says putting her hands up in surrender. "Bye!" She closes the door behind her. I open up the note.

'I hope you like the thongs I bought you. They were expensive so please don't throw them away. I would love to see them on you. When you know.. you're drenched and begging for me. I think next time I get to lay my hands on you I'll make sure to fuck you on a bed. -Tom'

I smile and sigh. I pick up the box from the ground and place it on the bed. I lift up a thong. My smile drops.

Sam read all that?! Holy fuck!

Tom helps me onto the tour bus. My stomach is twisting and turning. I'm so excited!

"Kiara!" Gustav runs up to me and hugs me. I grab one of the seats to keep from falling. "Hi Gustav!" I say laughing. I feel Toms presence from behind, making me uneasy. I inhale a deep breath.

Toms hand goes to my lower back and he presses against it. I motion for Gustav to move and he does. I give him a smile before I see a seat with one of Toms hats. I turn to look at him.

He wearing that hat. I smile at him and pick it up. "Thank you!" I put the hat on. "Aww! So cute!" I hear Bill say. I turn to him and gives us the puppy dog eyes. I giggle a bit while Tom just flips him off.

"Heya!" Jayla yells. She walks toward Tom and I. "Ooo... I see I see. Well I'll just let you be!" She walks over to Georg and sits down next to him. "Let's go!" Bill yells.

The bus begins to move.

I guess this part is supposed to be the one for today but since I didn't post yesterday I wanted to do a double post but I wasn't sure about it. Anyway LOVE YOUU. Even you Imogen ;)

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

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