♡Part 13♡

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Everyone is still looking at me like I'm crazy. Whispers. Giggles. Dirty looks. Ugh where is that bitch Quinn. "Kiara!" I hear someone say. I turn around. "Oh hey Gustav.." I walk towards him. He gives me hug but I don't hug back. Instead I just stand there.

"Listen I'm sorry about whatever happened with Tom but I'm here to tell you that Quinn has been suspended." He says smiling. "Wait what?!" I yell, furrowing my eyebrows. "But I didn't even get to-" "Talk to her? Tom did." I pause.

Is this asshole trying to get me back? I groan. "Listen, tell Tom that I don't care anymore!"I then storm off to the bathroom.

I whip out my phone and text Jayla.

Jayla, where are you?

Oh I'm at home I feel a little sick..

What?! Girl I need you at school!

I know I know I'm sorry but I just.. I can't I'm too sick to even text rn

Please tell me you're joking I don't have anyone else! I don't even want to talk to any of the boys!

Why not?!

Because they remind me of Tom and I don't want to think about him!

She's left me on read. How great.

I groan and shove my phone into my purse. I as I get up I hear some girls walk in. "Okay forget about that bitch Kiara but like.. Tom has a fucking girlfriend and I'm ready to beat that bitch up." I quietly sit back down on the toilet. I have to hear this.

"No way he has a new girlfriend no way!" The sink turns on. "Yes way. Once I find her Ima beat her up." I hear giggling then the door shut. I slowly get stand up and unlock my stall.

Tom has a new girlfriend.

Okay what.

The next class I have which I now hate with all my heart. History. Not only because of the fucking teacher but also because of Tom.

I walk in and keep my eyes glued straight ahead of me. I can feel a pair of eyes looking right into my soul but I ignore it. I set my bag down on the ground and pull out my notebooks.

"Good morning class." Mr Damon says walking in. He places is brief case on his desk and opens it as everyone says good morning back. "Very well." He faces us and furrows his eyebrows.

"Miss Bermen. Where is Jayla?" Mr Damon asks. "She's sick today." He looks towards the back of the classroom. "And where is Bill?" Mr Damon raises his eyebrows. "He changed his schedule." I hear Tom say. I roll my eyes.

"Well.. Kiara go sit next to Tom." My eyes widen. "What?!" I say. "But I don't need a partner!" He crosses his arms. "But for this project you do." I feel dread overcome me.

Oh my god!

I grab my books and bag then walk over to Toms desk. I place my books on the table and my bag on the ground. I try to focus but I can't. Knowing that Tom is right beside me makes me want him. I want to forgive him and tell him it's okay.

But I can't. That's not how it works and it never will be.

"I'm sorry" I hear him whisper. "For what?" I say clenching my jaw. "For yesterday. I know that we you know but I just— I found someone at the wrong time and I'm sorry." He whispers back. "What do you mean you found someone." I say facing towards him.

We make immediate eye contact. "I mean I found the one." He says smiling. "She's perfect..."

Okay fuck this.

I slam my hands against the table and stand up taking my things with me. "I'll be going to detention I say walking past my teacher. I give Tom one last glare before I'm out and running towards my bike. I don't cry this time. I'm mad.

I peddle as fast as I can. "Come on come on come on." I mumble. "Kiara!!" I hear a familiar voice say. My head perks upwards. "Mom?!" I turn my head around but who do I see? Tom. I keep hearing my name being yelled but Tom was skating towards me. He wasn't saying anything.

I was still biking away. "Kiara! Watch out!" I hear my mom yell.

Everything goes black. Mom?

Yayyyayayayyayaya part 13!! Im way to lazy to deal with Quinn rnnn so like idk. But anywayyyy Tysm for the support I'm really glad you guys like my story!

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

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