♡Part 26♡

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"Okay this one is definitely super cute!" Jayla says lifting up a bikini in the air. "Mhm.." I say staring out the glass door.

I really want to leave right now. I hate this whole fucking idea of the beach.

"I think I have some waterproof makeup.." Jayla says walking past me. The picks up heart shaped sunglasses. "Oh my god I need this!" She puts it on.

"I'm gonna look for my own bikini." I say backing up. "Uh hell no you're not. I'm gonna help you." She walks past me again while grabbing my wrist. We go into another isle. "Hell yeah!" She says running up to a white bikini. "You. Are. Getting. This." She says as she puts it in the basket.

Kiara's bikini

Kiara's bikini

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Jayla bikini

————————————————————————After buying the bikinis Jayla thought it would be a good idea to get some ice cream

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After buying the bikinis Jayla thought it would be a good idea to get some ice cream. "This was such a good idea!" She says with a mouthful of ice cream.

We are sitting outside talking about the concert last night but to be honest I'm just watching people walk by. All I can think about is my mom. It makes my stomach twist whenever I remember what Bill told me.

"I think that it's super creepy how your mom was grinding on Tom." She says shrugging. I look back up at her. "Wait.. she was grinding on him?!" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yeah... she was behind Tom." She says, scooping up ice cream. "Holy shit.." I say rubbing my forehead. "You okay?" Jayla asks grabbing my wrist. "Ow! Seriously stop!" I yell.

Jayla flinches. "Damn chill!" She says raising her hands up in surrender. "What's up with you today?"

I look away and rub my wrist gently. Careful not to add too much pressure. "Nothing.. my wrist is just sore." I mumble, loud enough for Jayla to hear.

"Come on!" Bill says grabbing my arm. "Wait!" I say wrapping my wrist up with bandages. I secure it tightly. "Okay I'm ready." I say walking towards the water. "I don't think it's gonna last.." Gustav says, looking at the bandage.

"It might." I say shading my eyes off from the sun. I see Tom, Georg, and Jayla up ahead, playing in the water. Jayla and Georg are teaming up against Tom.

"That's not fair!" Tom yells, as we get closer. "It will be!" Bill yells as he runs at towards Tom. "Wanna team up?" Gustav offers. I smile. "Yeah!"

We both run into the water.

I wrap the towel closer to me. Gustav keeps the fire alive while I and Bill lay down next to each other, admiring the stars. "Okay we got the fish!" Georg yells from afar, running towards Gustav. "Alright!" Gustav yells back. Jayla comes back from the bathroom and lays down next to me.

"I can't believe we've been here for hours.." she says. I can hear the smile when she says it. "It's probably gonna be a great memory for you then." I say looking at her.

Jayla is already looking at me. "Do you like fish?" She asks. "Yeah, do you?" I ask her. "No but I'll try it for Georg." She says grinning. "Aw thanks. Georg says laying down next to her.

I watch as Tom walks up to us and lays down next to Bill. He says something to Bill in German then he stands back up and walks away. "Where is he going?" Gustav asks Bill. "Bathroom." Bill answers grabbing my hand.

I look at Bill and he's staring up at the sky. He looks at me. "You okay?" He whispers. I nod. "Come on." He begins to stand up. "Where are you going." I ask. "Somewhere with you." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I wince.

We begin walking along the shoreline in silence. "I wanna know about my mom." I say out of nowhere. "I thought so." Bill says looking at the ground. We are still holding hands.

"Our moms have history together. A really... weird history—" I interrupt him. "Just get to the point!" I groan. "Okay okay!" He laughs.

"My mom and your mom used to be best friends. They would do everything together and one day which was the day your family got into a car crash. Was the day that my mom had poisoned your moms food. You see— they had breakfast right before your mom went out with your family. As your mom was driving you guys home she probably felt something and well.. got you all into a car crash."

I look at him confused. "But what were those books about?! And why does she hate you guys so much when you did nothing!" I ask him.

"Those books were my moms diaries and your moms diaries. Your mom hated I and Tom so much because your dad got mad at your mom after the car crash had happened and said that she shouldn't have blamed it on our family. That we were right and we could defend ourselves and we did. We yelled at your mom after she had called the police to arrest my mom." He explains.

I stop walking. "But that doesn't make any sense— how did?—" I rub my forehead. Bill stops walking as well and he turns me around so I can face him. He lifts up my chin. "Nothing does. Not even this.." Bill then leans in and kisses me.


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