♡Part 33♡

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Toms lips gently kiss mine. All my thoughts suddenly disappear and I give in to the kiss.

His hands hold my waist while mine roam his back. Slowly he begins backing me up making me stop him.

I place my hands on his chest. "I.." I sigh and turn away from him.

"What's wrong?" He asks he puts his hand out in an attempt to grab my arm but I pull it away from him.

I don't know what to say anymore. I just need Quinn here I need Quinn. "I'm gonna go." I stick one leg out the window and then the other.

I called Quinn a few minutes ago and she said she'll be there is 30 minutes. I've been observing everyone around me.

A girl catches my eye. She looks happy her arm is through another girls arm. She has red hair like Quinn's and blue eyes. A cute smile. She looks about twelve years old.

I hear a familiar honk and get up from the porch. There was Watt and Quinn in the car together. Watt stops the car. "Get in we're gonna go to the mall!"

"You and Watt are good now?" I ask opening the car door, hopping into the backseat. I put on my seatbelt.

"Nope I just forced him to drive me here cause I don't have a ride." She gives me a thumbs up and Watt begins driving.

"So... how was your interaction with Tom?" Quinn asks.

I pause. "Well.. I don't know how to explain it." I say rubbing my hands together, nervous.

Watt stops the car as the stoplight turns red. Quinn unbuckles her seat and crawls her way over to the backseat. She fixes her hair up. "What do you mean?" She asks taking out lipgloss from her purse.

She hands it to me and I reluctantly put it on. "Sorry your lips just looked a little dry.." she says raising the pitch of her voice on the 'little'.

"It's fine." I say shrugging off her comment.

"So did you fuck up?" She asks smiling. Her smile falters a bit when I don't respond. Her hand rubs my shoulder. "It's okay I just think going to the mall might fix it." She says grinning at me before giving me a wink.

I giggle a bit before she begins pulling out every bit of makeup she has in her bag.

As we walk in Quinn gives me her sunglasses. "What?" She asks when I give her a confused look. "They look good on you."

I put it on my head and Quinn grabs my hand leading me to McDonald's. "What are we doing here? Aren't we going shopping?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah but I'm starving and craving a burger right now. Come on!" She begins racing towards McDonald's.

We are now eating the most delicious burger in the world. Quinn is talking about what she calls 'cute mall guys' while I jus observe her. She's wearing a outfit that looks like the outfit Cheryl was wearing in Clueless but in a redish brown. She is wearing her hair down and wavy.

I look down at myself and frown. Just a white sundress with flowers on the bottom. I let out a sigh and let him head rest on my hand as Quinn continues talking.

She points in a direction. "Oo that one. I think he's your type." She turns to me and grins. I look in the direction she's pointing at and that's where I see Tom.

"What... what's he doing here?!" I say grabbing her purse and covering myself with it. She chuckles. "Hey it's okay! Don't worry we'll go to the market and pick up some ice cream and chocolate then we'll go home and watch a movie. Or just talk if you want.."

My mouth waters at the sound of ice cream and chocolate. "Yeah.. but I thought we were gonna go shopping?"

"Mhm for ice cream and lots and lots of chocolate maybe even some candy.. oo! There's these gummies I wanna try!" Quinn says, taking a bite out of her burger.

I look in the direction of where Tom was. Tom and Bill are here alone and there isn't lots of commotion. Weird. "Hey.. why isn't there paparazzi?" I ask Quinn with food in my mouth.

"I don't know but that's weird." Quinn is looking in there direction as well. I notice her eyes widen. "They're coming here!"  She says.

I immediately stand up and grab my unfinished burger with me.

Quinn grabs my shoulders and sits me back down. "What do you think you're doing?!" She whisper yells to me.

"I'm getting out of here! I cannot face Tom." I say quickly glancing in their direction. They're closer. "Holy fuck holy fuck! Quinn we need to leave!!" I say grabbing her wrist as she sits back down.

"Please just sit down. You have to get over him.." Quinn rubs her head and picks up her burger, taking a bite out of it.

"It's only been two hours!" I whisper yell. Closer.

"Exactly, that is why you should sit down and act like you don't care. Do you care?" She asks leaning forward.

"No!" I say crossing my arms.

"Well at least sit down if you don't wanna get noticed!" She says leaning back in her chair with a knowing look on her face.

I reluctantly sit down as I smell the familiar cologne of Bill as he walks past me. I tense up.

"Maybe eating your burger will distract you?" Quinn says motioning to the burger I'm squeezing really hard. A tomato falls onto my dress, staining it.

"Shit!" I say standing up. My chair makes a loud screeching noise causing everyone to look at me. Including Tom and Bill. I look at Quinn and she stands up as well, her chair making a screeching noise too.

"Come on." She grabs my wrist and we leave.

"You done yet?" She asks.

"Uh almost!" I yell unsure. I check myself out. This outfit isn't bad.

I walk out of the dressing room and spin around for her. "Hell yeah! You look so badass." She grins at me.

I smile at her "Thanks."

Quinn and I have been shopping for new clothes I could wear since my sundress was now ruined. It was all Toms fault. He shouldn't have been here with Bill in the first place.

We pay for the clothes and I change into them in the bathroom, we go to the supermarket and begin shopping for lots of unhealthy stuff.

"Hmmm what should we watch.." I say searching through the movies as Quinn places the bowl of sour patch kids down on the table.

Quinn's house was huge. Like huge huge and I loved it. We usually hang out here on the weekends.

"Have you ever watched the Titanic?" She asks. "Who hasn't?" I say looking at her. "Oh I wanted to rewatch it!" She says huffing.

"Let's watch.. Legally Blonde." I turn to her smiling.

"Sure! Start it."

I press play and the movie begins.

bro I just watched my fault and through my window and omg I love ittt anyway I'm watching through my window: across the sea now and I cannot explain the amount of love I have for the movies. They are all Spanish but like... it's worth it especially when there is subtitles. Tysm for ur support ilyyy!!

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote !! :3

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