♡Part 1♡

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I wake up to an annoying alarm ringing loudly. I slam my hand on it turning it off and rub my head. "Fuck my life..." I groan. I check the time. 5:30 AM. Time to get ready. I get up from my bed and stretch. I grab my towel and walk into the bathroom. I hop into the shower after taking my clothes off and let the hot water run down my back, my shoulders, my chest, my arms, and my legs.

I finish doing what I need to in the bathroom and walk out. I go straight to my dresser and pick out a black tank top with some flare pants with a white jacket and I quickly grab my underwear and bra.

I'm really dreading going to school especially because I have to introduce myself in class and that is my worst nightmare. I hate it I hate it I hate it.

I walk to my mirror and examine myself. My not even long but not even short brown hair is in two pigtails and my wispy bangs slightly cover my eyes. I move them out of the way. I put on light makeup and grab my white purse. I grab my phone, lipgloss, and sunglasses then walk out the door.

My family isn't awake yet. They wake up around 6:10 AM and every day I prepare breakfast. I set my bag down on the couch along with my sunglasses. I walk over to the fridge and grab some eggs, bacon, and bread. I walk over to our pantry and get some plank cake mix then I start baking. I'm kinda quick when it comes to baking.

When my sisters, brother, and dad come down I've finished placing the honey on the table for anyone who wants it.

"Ooo pancakes!" My sister runs up and grabs one stuffing her mouth with it. "There's my little chef! My dad walks up to me with open arms. I run at him and hug him. He makes a huff sound. "Be careful I'm getting old!" He laughs. I giggle pulling away.

"Kiara I just wanna let you know that you" My brother Ashton points at me. "Are my favorite sister." I give him a smile then sit down on the stool and begin to dig in.

"So how's mom?" Sam asks dad. She's been a bit down lately since what happened to mom.
"She's amazing! She's healing a lot quicker then the doctors thought she would. My dad gives Sam, my older sister, a big smile. Sam's lips turn up ever so slightly then fall back down.

"Sam stop being to emo!!" Cora says with a mouthful. She's still stuffing pancakes in her face. Ashton kicks her. "Down be like that Cora!" He whisper yells at her. "Sorry!" She says but it doesn't sound like she means it.


We all finish and I decide to take my bike to school since I didn't want to be in a car with a bunch of yelling siblings and to be honest I wasn't much in the mood for yelling. The school isn't really that far to be honest but I guess my siblings just hate walking around the neighborhood. Oh I mean ANY neighborhood.

I'm in front on the school and I'm gonna be real with you. It was average big.. I decided to go to the back of the school to tie my bike to a pole there instead or risking it and tie it here. I bike my way around and stop once I see a pole. I also notice a car pulling up but ignore it. Once I finish tying it to the pole I walk inside the school.


AHHH OMG!! This is my first book ever!!! I might update tomorrow or whenever but idk!! Maybe even later today!!

I hope you like it and make sure to vote!! ILY ALL :3!

Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now