♡Part 7♡

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Wake up, get ready, make breakfast, go to school.

Well shit.

"Kiara! Come on you're late!!" I hear my dad yell as he bangs on my door. I jump up as soon as I hear the word 'late' "Oh fuck oh fuck!"

I was up with Jayla until 2:24 AM. She was making me try on different outfits so Tom could eye me down.

I rush to my dresser and pull out a white crop top, baggy jeans, and a white jacket. I quickly put them on and grab my headphones, bag and phone. I stuffed my makeup in my bag and run out of my room.

"Shit shit shit" I mumble while running down the stairs. "Bye dad!" I run out toward my bike then stop. I go back inside. "Aren't you supposed to be driving them to school?" I ask shooting him a confused look. He raises his eyebrows. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I give him an awkward smile and slowly back out.

I run towards my bike.

I burst through the door breathing heavily. "Im-" I swallow "sorry for being late." I say pointing my finger up towards the ceiling. "Just sit down miss Bermen" I hear someone chuckle. Gustav. Oh thank god.

I walk to the seat next to him and sit down. "Why were you late" he whispers as I put my bag down. "Stayed up late and slept in." I take my makeup out of my bag and as well as a claw clip which I use to put my hair up.

"You didn't have time to do anything did you?" He says staring at my makeup. "Nope" I quietly pick up my mirror and start doing my makeup.

As I explain to Gustav what happened last night a teacher walks in. But not just any teacher. Miss Katie. "Hi" she says waving. "Um can I borrow miss Bermen for a second?" She points at me. The entire class looks at me.

"Oh uh why?" Miss Tompson asks. "Just about class"

Are you sure about that?

Miss Tompson agrees and motions for me to go with Miss Katie. I hesitate while standing up but reluctantly walk towards her.

I walk into the empty classroom but it's not really empty. Tom is in here. I hear the door shut but I don't move my eyes from his. He looks me up and down then swallows.

I bite my lip, nervous. "Kiara I-" he pauses for a few seconds.

What the fuck is happening...?

"I don't want what happened between us yesterday to mean anything.. I mean- it doesn't mean anything. I do this with most girls and I just don't wanna— hurt you. I feel it would be better if we acted like friends. So you know- the girls won't be all over you."

"Oh.. um yeah sure" I say smiling.

There's no way I stood up so late to dress right for him just for him to say he doesn't wanna be more than friends?! Wow.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short and doesn't have much but I'm kinda lazyyy.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to vote :3 !!

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