♡Part 20♡

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I rub my eyes. Am I seeing things? "Kiara." She says firmly. I can't move. I can't move my jaw. I can't move my eyes. I can't move my lips. I can't move.

"Kiara." She says again but this time taking a step toward me. "My darling. My daughter." She smiles. Her smile is crooked. She begins walking toward me, slowly.

"Mom? I thought you were paralyzed.." I say. My lower back hits my dresser. "Oh yes I was but I'm better now. I'm better for you." Her smile widens.

"What the fuck..." I breathe. "You know.." she stops walking. "I think you might be one of my least favorite children." She stops smiling.

"What do you mean....?" I feel myself press myself against the dresser more. I'm terrified. How is she out of bed? How is she standing? How is she even talking?

"You and that... that boy.." she makes a disgusted face. "Tom?" I ask. She nods. "Yes.. Tom." She looks down and sighs.

"Oh dear.. you are a disgrace." I look at her confused. "What does Tom have to do with anything?" I ask, raising my voice a little.

"Oh Tom doesn't have anything to do with anything. His family history does." She bites her lip. "What about his family history?"

She opens her mouth to speak. "Kiara?" I hear someone say. I look at my door. "Uh yeah?!" I yell for Sam to hear me. "Who are you talking to?" She walks into my doorway.

I look back at mom but. She's not there. "Wh- but she was—" I sigh. "Sorry I just.. the headaches." I gesture toward my head.

Sam looks at me concerned but nods. Slowly nods. She backs away and closes the door. I need to go to a mental hospital.

I watch as Jayla flips through the magazine in her hands. "Are you even listening?!" I say, putting my hands on my hips. "Mhm" she nods.

I sigh and plop down on the bed. "Also make sure to give me back my night gown." She says putting down the magazine.

She crawls over to me and wraps her arms around me. "Listen.. it'll wear off just give it some time okay?" She kisses me on the cheek. "Now... we have to make popcorn for the movie."

I went over to Jaylas house a few hours after what happened. I needed to process everything. She said maybe a sleepover would help. Right now we are getting ready to watch a movie.

I grab the popcorn packet and put it in the microwave. I turn around and see Jayla put a bunch of different chocolates in one bowl. We had finished most of the things here.

We have chocolate, chips, nachos, cookies, chocolate covered strawberries, fruits, and popcorn. She said we're gonna watch Jennifer's Body AND  Wild Child.

(Just act like they came out at the time)

I take a chip out of the bowl and put it in my mouth. "Don't finish that." She says. "How could I?" I walk past her, dusting my hands off. I grab two bowls and bring it over to the table in front of the couch.

Jayla and I finish setting up and get straight to the movies.

Jayla and I are still up. It's 5:56 am on a Sunday. We're making breakfast. "This smells amazing!" I say, spreading Nutella on a pancake before putting another on top. "Best combo ever!" I put the plate down on the table and take a seat next to Jayla who's pouring or no— drenching her pancakes with syrup.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask looking at her like she's crazy. She rolls her eyes. "I like my pancakes like this." She says placing the maple syrup down on the table. "Won't it be like... soggy?" I ask, almost gagging at the thought.

"Yes, and that's how I like it." She cuts a piece and puts it in her mouth. She then begins to chew with her mouth open. With no shame at all. "I don't even think we are best friends anymore." I say standing up from my seat.

I walk around the table and sit across from the seat I sat in. I lift my pancake sandwich and take a bite from it. "Mhm" I say, munching on it. "This is the shit!" I point at it while nodding my head.

Jayla laughs. "Shut up that's so stupid!"


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