♡Part 27♡

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I lean into the kiss instantly. His arms wrap around my waist and I grab onto his shoulders.

The kiss is soft and gentle. He holds me close. The tension between us grows. He grips my waist and presses me against him. The kiss getting deeper.

I pull back, breathing heavily, "Oh my god.." I press a hand to the side of my head. Bill looks at me mortified. "Hey.. no it's okay I just— I don't—" he cuts me off. "Tom! Tom!!" Bill runs past me. I turn around and see Tom walking back to the rest.

"Oh shit..." I mumble. I chase both of them back to everyone else. Once I get there Tom is yelling at Bill in German. "Machst du Witze, Bill?! Warum?! Du weißt, ich liebe sie!" He yells at Bill. "Du warst derjenige, der mit Mädchen getanzt und ihnen Knutschflecken verpasst hat, also liebst du sie technisch gesehen ihr!" Bill yells back. Tom flinches.

He looks up at me and my eyes lock with his. "Tom.. you do know that you're in the wrong right?" Jayla interrupts. "Yeah Tom.. you have to understand that. You also have to deal with the consequences." I say gesturing to Bill.

"Do you love him?" Tom asks out of the blue. "What?.. what do you mean?" I ask, confused. "Do you love him?!" He raises his voice. I look at Bill and see that he's staring at me.

"I-" Tom cuts me off. "What's that?" He asks out of the blue again. I'm look at him confused. "What is what?"

"You.." Tom looks away. "Whatever." He walks around the fire and next to Gustav.

I grab my phone and answer the call. "Hello?" I ask in a sleepy voice. "Bro come out of your room its 2:48 pm babes." Jayla says from the other end of the phone.

I rub my eyes and sit up, stretching. "Fuck..." I mumble. "I know right?" I hear Gustav say. I jump. "Woah! Gustav?"

Gustav is sitting on the floor of Bills room looking through the dresser. "I wanna talk to you." He says not making eye contact with me. He turns his head to look at me and I give him a confused look. "About Tom and Bill?"

My eyebrows raise as in realization. "What about them?" I ask sitting up straighter. "Wait what?" He turns his whole body towards me, "why are you acting so normal?" He squints his eyes at me.

"Well.. I just— I guess I'm over Tom? I mean—" I rub my head, "I like Bill."

Gustav gasps loudly. "How.. dare you give up on Tom so easily." Gustav stands up and walks toward the bed. "Why not? He's done me wrong many times." I say crossing my arms.

"Well he still cares for you— and plus he only did you wrong twice. The third time is the final straw."

I stand up and stretch more. "Not exactly.." I say. "Not exactly for you" Gustav says standing up as well.

"Listen. One more chance and that's it. Just one." He says pointing up his index finger. "I really think you guys are meant to be!" Gustav grabs my shoulders. "Please just.. for me?" He gives me the puppy dog eyes.

I roll my eyes at him. "Seriously Gustav? That's not gonna work on me. Plus I get to choose who I date."

"Wanna know what's better?"



"Get out Gustav."


"Gustav please! I don't wanna talk about him!"

"I thought you said you were over him?"

"I am!"

"Then why do you not wanna talk about him?!"

I hear Kiara and Gustav yell back and forth about me and my shoulders slump. I was drunk and I know that is know excuse but I get crazy when I'm drunk.

I sit on the couch and rub my forehead as my elbows rest on my thighs.

I really regret yelling at Bill the other day. It was my fault and I shouldn't have done what I had done at the club.

I don't want I and Bill to stop loving each other cause I really care for him. I do. I love Bill with all my heart.

I just wish we weren't fighting over the same girl. We never do this but here we are. Doing that.

I hear the door open and Bill walks in. I look away instantly. I get afraid whenever Bill is mad.

He stomps past me and into his room.

"What's going on?" He asks over the two yelling at each other. "Kiara are you okay?"

"I love Tom! I love Bill and I don't know what to do!!" Kiara yells. Everyone goes silent. Everything goes silent. I can't hear my own breathing.


I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote !! :3

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