♡Part 3♡

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"A band?!" I whisper yell. "Yes a band!" Shes chuckles quietly. "They are the most popular right now! Have you not heard?" My eyes widen. "No! I'm new to the whole fucking town" I slamming my fist against the table.

The teacher looks behind him and scans the class. I take my fist off the desk and rub it as the pain erupts. His eyes lock of mine then he slowly turns his head toward the board.

He's pretty creepy for a teacher..

"Kiara they are famous all over the world right now. I'm not even joking." Quinn says putting he glasses on while copying something from the bored. I zip open my bag and take out my notebook doing the same. "I don't know how the hell I don't know them." I say huffing.

The teacher turns around and stares straight at me. "Class." He says. The enter class says "Yes, Mr Damon" in a bored tone. "What's rule number 13?" He's looking at me firmly and I'm looking at him like I'm missing something. "No sighing, groaning, or huffing in class." They respond with a hint of a bitter tone. He looks at me with both eyebrows raised. "Sorry" I mumble loud enough for him and he nods saying, "very well" he turns back around and begins to explain but I'm not listening.

Instead I notice that a crumpled up piece of paper is on the floor right next to me. I look up and around and lock eyes with the guy with dreads. He's smirking at me, looking me up and down. He leans forward and begins playing with his piercing on his lip. His name was Tom right? I pick up the note and read it.

'Welcome to the school newbie. I see you've met one of my band members Im guessing you  don't know us considering the fact that you weren't drooling over us. Your also dressed very sexy I'm not gonna lie. But honestly I feel the clothes would look better on your bedroom floor. -Tom''

I feel a blush rise up to my cheeks and I look back at him. He's facing toward the black haired boy and he glances at me. He catches me staring and winks. I turn around instantly. "I would be careful if I were you" I jump at Quinn's voice. I look at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Tom can be a real trouble when it comes to it." Quinn says dropping her pen and stretching. "What is he, A school player?" I ask folding the note and putting it in my pocket. "No, I'm saying that the girls will bash you and humiliate you just so you can break up with him." I furrow my eyebrows. "But how's Tom trouble?" I say playing with my pencil.

"He's trouble because he's the reason for all it" she says rolling her eyes. "Is that his fault though?" I ask. "Are you admitting that you wanna date him?" My eyes widen. "What?! No! Hell no I just met him!" I say lighting hitting her. "Listen if you wanna dare one of the band members then date Georg or Gustav." She says. "No wait. Don't date Gustav I like him." The bell rings and everyone stands up. "But why only them?" I question closing my book.

"Cause people think Tom and Bill are more attractive." She says and walks to the door. "Wait who's Bill?!" I call after her zipping up my back.

"I am"

Sorry that this is shorter than the others I just didn't really have that much motivation but I think I will later. But anyway..

THREE PARTS IN ONE DAYYY!! I hope you enjoyed and make sure to vote :) !!

Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now