♡Part 8♡

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It's been three weeks since Tom and I have had that conversation but honestly I feel great. Even though it was hard at first i honestly like being friends.

We would do so many things together and I mean some of the girls would look at me weird but they wouldn't do anything.

We would walk each other to our classes, sit next to each other in lunch, go to the park with the rest of the band plus Quinn. I even introduced him to Jayla.

Everything is perfect now. Except for the fact that I keep getting detention. But hey Tom is there! Sometimes.

We're in history and Tom and I are passing notes back and forth. The teacher hasn't even noticed yet.

'His bald head is so fucking shiny -Tom'
'I know right?! What do you think he uses? -Kiara'
'I don't know lol -Tom'
'Poor Stanley -Kiara'
'We'll be was late to class -Tom'

"Hey what's that" Quinn asks grabbing the note from my hands. She looks at me like she's disappointed. "Seriously Kiara?" She says. She picks up her pencil and begins to write something down on the paper. She folds it up and hands it to me.

"What'd you write" I ask confused. "Just a little something" she says with a serious face. I begin to open the note up but she grabs it from my hands again. "No! Don't read it!!" She yells. Everyone turns to face her. Her eyes widen. I look back at Tom who's smirking at me.

I grin and turn to face Quinn again and as I do that I hear Mr Damon yell, "Quinn. Detention after school." I look back and forth between them and Quinn's eyes widen. "W-what no!" Quinn stands up, slamming her hands against the table, dropping the note.

I take this moment as a chance to grab the note. I carefully go under the table as Quinn is busy yelling at the teacher and carefully pluck the note from the ground. I put it in my pocket and sit back in my seat. Quinn has been told to leave the classroom and Quinn reluctantly grabs her back and leaves.

At lunch I rush over to our table and sit down. "Hey guys" I say putting my bag down. "Hi Kiara!" Bill says smiling. Everyone says hi and I remember something.

"Oh my god guys." I pull out the note from my pocket. "Tom" I say facing him. "Do you remember the note that we were passing around in class?" I ask. Tom nods confused. "Well Quinn took it from me and wrote something in it but wouldn't let me read it. I unfold the note. "Shit what do you think she wrote?" Georg asks. "I don't know but I'm reading it first." Tom takes the note from my hands and begins reading it out loud for us. "Tom, I also wanted to mention that Quinn likes you and you should date her. I think that you'd be a perfect match for each other. -Kiara"

My eyes widen. "I thought she liked Gustav?!"

Again sorry that this is short but I wanna leave you guys on a cliffhanger lol.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now