♡Part 4♡

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I turn around and see the black haired boy staring at me, Tom behind him. He's wearing all black and his hair is spiky. "Oh uh... hi" I bite my lip.

It's awkward and very much embarrassing for some reason...

"We were wondering if you wanted to sit with us at lunch" he says playing with the rings on his finger. "I wonder why.." I say smirking at Tom. He smirks right back at me and winks. "Okay I'll take that as a yes." Bill says walking toward the door, Tom following after him.

What the fuck...


I'm in the cafeteria and I'm holding my tray looking like a lost puppy. I don't have any idea where the boys sit and I'm beginning to think that maybe I should find Quinn and sit with her instead.

"Kiara!" I hear someone say. I look toward the voice and Gustav is waving at me motioning for me to come over. I catch Tom, Bill, and some guy with long hair staring at me. I grip my gray firmly and walk over to them.

"So glad I found you before any of these morons did." Gustav says, making space for me to sit. I giggle.

We all talked about their fan girls, edits, fanfics, and we even read some out loud to each other. It was so fun we were all laughing and I felt so safe. I felt comfortable and involved. Back in Assic High school nobody would make me feel involved ever. I was always alone and didn't expect much from people but this— this is amazing.

I've never laughed so hard and I've never smiled so big and I've never been happier with these four. I learned that the guy with long hairs name is Georg. He was adorable but kinda closed off but I didn't mind at all.


I'm in my room finishing up homework. I cant stop thinking about the note Tom gave me. Heat would rise to my cheeks and my stomach would twist and would try to get it out of my mind but I can't. It makes me so nervous but he's just so... beautiful. It's a different kind of beauty it's.... unique.

I bite my lip trying to focus but can't. Tom has been on my mind all day.

Someone knocks on my door.

"Yeah?!" I yell. "It's me come on, dinner!" My brother yells. "I'll be down in a sec!"

I take the note from my flared pants on the floor and open it up reading it again.

I think I'm falling for Tom.


I hope you enjoyed it and please vote :3 !!

Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now