♡Part 6♡

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It's been 20 minutes and still the teacher hasn't  came inside the room. I wonder why. But anyway me and Tom were joking around saying that maybe she was hooking up with the principal. There's been rumors saying that every Tuesday and Friday they hook up in the janitors closet.

"Maybe he's coming in her right now" Tom says laughing. I laugh even harder. "Your making my stomach hurt!" I playfully hit him.

Im clutching my stomach with both arms trying to stop laughing. "I cannot imagine old people having sex" I laugh which makes me laugh harder. Tom leans back in his chair and props his feet on the desk in front of me.

"Get your feet off my desk!" I say pushing them off. "They technically aren't my feet they're my shoes." He points out. "Shut up, you know what I mean." I roll my eyes.

Fuck. Being this close to Tom is making me nervous.

"You wanna get out of here?" Tom suggests. I look up at him like he's the stupidest most idiotic person I've ever met. "Tom are you fucking crazy?!" I say. "We can't do that!" He leans forward. "Oh yes we can Kiara yes we can."

I cross my arms and shake my head. "You're just gonna get us in more trouble." He bites his lip, his piercing reacting to it.

Why are you staring at his lips your moron?!

"Miss Katie would back me up." He says. I look back up at his eyes. They are full of mischief. "She has a huge crush on me" My eyes widen. "Isn't she like— a teacher?!" Tom nods. WHAT?!

"And your okay with that?" I ask sitting up straight. "Yep. She gets me out of trouble" I squint my eyes at him.

Is he crazy or is he high? I swear to god I will kill this man.

"So you're using her?" I ask leaning towards him. "Yep" he glances at my lips for a second but looks back up at my eyes. I notice. And he knows I noticed. He's smirking. I'm standing up. "I'm going to the bathroom"

I'm breathing heavily and I'm nervous. "Holy shit.." I mumble. Someone flushes the toilet and walks out of their stall. I look behind me. It's a girl with short black hair and doe eyes. She's wearing jeans and a black shirt that says 'dump him'. She notices me staring.

"I got the shirt from Shein" she says rolling her eyes. "Oh uh I don't really care about that." I say looking down at the sink. "Then why are you staring?" She says putting soap on her hands. "Im just thinking about something but I noticed you were here so"

She nods rinsing off the soap. "You know Tom right?" She looks at me confused but nods. "Yeah why?" I exhale. "Well I just— never mind" she chuckles. "Don't worry I have a boyfriend I'm not crazy about him."

Relief washes over me. "Oh thank god." She grabs a paper towel and dries her hands. "So what's up?" I bite my lip trying to figure out where to start. "Um- okay.. so Tom is kinda like... flirting with me?" A few second of silence pass but then.. she bursts out laughing.

"Okay okay— I see your one of those girls." She says crossing her arms. "Listen girl you're being delusional get over him. I mean I don't know how people are even obsessed!"

I look at her with my mouth a little open. "No no! I'm not being delusional I swear! I cant prove it!" I jump off from the counter and search my pocket. There. I give her the note and she reads it. "That's probably bullshit." She says giving me the note.

"It's not! The note is real!" I say folding it up. "No babes I mean when he called you sexy. Come on and you're wearing that?" What's wrong with it? I think I look fine. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Give me your address." Okay I'm confused.

"What, why?" I ask. "You need a better style if you want Tom to like you." She says looking me up and down. I look I'm the mirror.

Im wearing a plain black t shirt and jeans with stars on them. "Okay I was lazy this morning but you didn't see what I wore yesterday!" I say in defense.

"Okay yeah sure." She says. "Okay whatever that's besides the point!" I say irritated. "I need advice on what I should do about this flirting thing he's doing." She looks at me weirdly. "He flirts with every girl. Well- not every girl but most of them."  She says. "To be honest I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you."

"I don't know I just—" Someone barges in. "Kiara Bermen!" The teacher yells. "How dare you! Why aren't you in detention?!" I look at the girl and give her a piece of paper. "That's all my information" I whisper to her. "I'm so sorry but I needed the restroom." "So you can talk to girls?!" The teacher accuses.

I walk past her and walk straight back to detention with her following behind me.

"What a day." I think to myself.


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