♡Part 14♡

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"I hope she's okay!"
"What happened?!"
"Is that all? Are you sure?"
"My sweet daughter..."
My eyes shoot open. Everything is a blur. I rub my eyes and slowly sit up. I look around the room.

I'm in a bed. I'm wearing a hospital gown. There are machines next to me. There is Georg and Jayla. They are asleep. Jaylas head is resting on his shoulder. How cute. I think to myself.

I look to my right and see Tom, Bill, and Gustav. They're all here. Tom's head is resting on Bills shoulder. Gustav's head lays on Toms lap. There here supporting me. I smile.

My smile falters as I remember what Tom said to me.


"I mean.. she's perfect." He says smiling. "She's the one"


I sigh and slowly move off the bed. I walk around the bed and stand in front of Tom.

He's so beautiful..

I lightly touch his cheek. He mumbles something and turns his head away. I chuckle a little. "You love him."

I jump a little. A girl. Is sitting right across from the boys. My stomach twists. "Who are you?" I say backing up a little. The floor is cold. "I'm," she says standing up, "Toms girlfriend." she takes a step toward me. "Oh." I give her a sheepish smile, "sorry!" I giggle a bit as I say so.

She chuckles. "Don't be nervous. Honestly I'm not surprised. He told me about you after you'd run off crying." She sits down on the bed. "It's pretty fucked up. You know.. what he did. But he loves me and you just have to accept it okay?" She tries to sound comforting but rage just builds up inside me.

Just as I'm about to respond she stands up from the bed and tugs on Toms arm. He groans and rubs his eyes. When he finally opens them he falters. "Oh uh.. yeah?" He says sleepily. "Can we go home" that stupid bitch says in a high pitched tone. "Oh uh yeah of course." Tom whips his head in my direction.

"Kiara!" He says pushing Gustav's head off his lap. Gustav let's out a groan. Toms arms wrap around me and he squeezes me tightly. I hug him back, glad to feel his warmth against my body. "Tom!" I feel Tom tense. "Oh shit sorry. I'm just glad to see that she's okay." He says facing his girlfriend.

I roll my eyes at her when she crosses her arms and glares at me. "Goodnight" I say walking towards the bed.

I sit up my sweat dripping down my forehead. Everything is dark. Except for one light. The one above my head.

"Kiara.." I hear a faint voice say.

"Who is that?!" I yell. Gripping my bedsheets.

"Come to mommy.." it says. This time it's voice is scratchy.

"Go away!" I yell again, grabbing one of my pillows. I see a dark figure appear in the shadows of the room. Slowly it begins walking towards me.

"Kiara.." it says again but it sounds angry.

"You're not my mom!" I yell, tears streaming down my face. "Go away!" I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Kiara!" It yells.

I scream back.

"KIARA!" It yells again.

I scream back again.

"Kiara!" My eyes shoot open. I'm breathing heavily. "Oh my god you're okay!" I smell a familiar scent and I immediately wrap my arms around her.

"Sam!" I say, breaking the hug. "Kiara!" She says back laughing. I can't tell she's been crying. "How are you?" I say swiping my thumb across her cheek." She ignores my question. "Do you remember anything that happened?" She says, tears now forming in her eyes.

"No, Why?" I ask sitting up. "Kiara.. you were standing in the middle of the road crying." She says. Tears begin to fall from her eyes. My eyes widen. Wait what?!

"Tom tried to get to you before anything could hit you but a car ran over you and you almost died." I run my eyes. "But.. I was on my—" she cuts me off. "Your bike was in pieces. Someone broke it." She shakes her head.

"Tom was so worried. He was crying on Bills shoulder all day and all night. Everyone else was too. We were all so worried." She bites her lip as it begins quivering.

I look down at my lap and tears form in my eyes. "I'm sorry.." I say. "Why'd you wanna do it? Why Kiara why!" She says pushing me. She runs out the door sobbing.

My bike was in pieces?!

I hope you guys enjoyed it!! I decided to do something about her past since well her mom can't be sick for no reason. Lmao anyway tysm for your support!! I love you allll.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

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