♡Part 12♡

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Jayla has changed her schedule to match some of mine and it's been so fucking fun.

Jayla and I are whispering giggling while Mr Damon explains god knows what. "Also guys I would like to mention." Mr Damon says turning around. "We have a pop quiz next week, Tuesday. Make sure to study okay?" He points his pen at everyone.

He turns back towards to bored and continues to explain. "Bro come on!" Jayla whisper yells. I chuckle trying to focus but Jayla pokes my shoulder repeatedly. "What?!" I say quietly. She nudges her head in a direction. "Tom is staring at you."

My eyes widen. Why would Tom be staring at me??

I turn around and yes indeed he is staring at me. He doesn't break eye contact at all. He doesn't move. Only plays with his piercing.

I turn back around and look down at my lap. "Hey.. what's going on between you two? You guys are like... avoiding each other." she says leaning closer to me. "I just—" I grip my head. "Can you come over after school?" I ask facing her now. "Of course!" She says rubbing my back.

"Alright open your textbooks to page 120 and Heathen read the first paragraph."

"What?!" Jayla yells. "I know I know!" I say. I pick up a pillow and groan into it letting myself fall onto my bed. "Okay first of all... you fucked!" She says. I remove the pillow from my face and see her pacing.

"Second, you guys avoid each other. Because— because your scared?! Or— nervous?!!" She grabs one of my pillows and starts hitting me with it. "Ow! Jayla stop!" I cover my face with my arms. "Your a dumb bitch." She says crossing her arms.

"Okay well.. what do you think I should do?" I sit up. "I think," Jayla says sitting down. "You should talk to him." I kiss my teeth. "No." Jayla rolls her eyes. "Yes! You have to! Go to his house and talk to him!" She stands up and tugs on my arm. "But I don't know where his house is!" I say making up any excuse not to go there.

"But Georg does." She says winking. She pulls out her phone and begins texting someone who is probably Georg.

I ring the doorbell half expecting Georg to open it since he knows we're coming over.

"Oh hey guys!" Bill says. "Come in come in." He moves out of the way to let us walk in. As I step into the home I feel my stomach twist.  I see Georg and Gustav in the kitchen. Gustav looks up.

"Hey!" He says running toward me. He wraps his arms around my neck and tightly hugs me. "Hey Gustav—" I say trying to breathe. When he finally breaks away I'm about to ask where Tom is when Jayla beats me to it.

"Do you guys know where Tom is." Jayla hops onto the counter next to Georg. "Uh yeah he should be upstairs." Bill says pointing towards the stairs. Jayla smiles at me and I begin making my way up the stairs. "His door is the one on the right!" I hear Bill yell. "Thanks!" I yell back.

I walk up to the door on the right and take a deep breath in. I knock on the door.

I hear some movement inside the room and then Tom opens the door. "Oh" Is the only thing he says. He's shirtless but he still has his baggy pants on. Though they are sagged. "Tom we need to ta—" I get cut off. "Tom? Who's at the door?" I hear a high pitched voice say. I falter. Tom notices. "Kiara listen—" I push him. "Forget it!" I race down the stairs and out the door.

I hear Jayla and Tom yell my name but I'm too busy getting onto my bike as tears fill my eyes. This was a bad idea. I wish we never came here.

I look in the mirror. My eyes are red and my mascara is messed up. My hair is messy and my clothes have gotten stained because of my mascara.

I hop into the shower and sit there.

Why would he just hook up with a random girl after one day?! One! And I mean I know maybe I should've given him time but Jayla was insisting on it. I don't even know why I'm crying. I hate him now! I hate him I hate him I hate him!!

I wish I never met him at all. I hate Tom and I will never take those words back.

Oooo drama!! And btw guys next part we will be dealing with Quinn so don't worry about that! And Tysm for 4k reads! Thank you for the support as well!! I love you alll!

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

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