♡Part 19♡

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"What the fuck are you watching?" I ask Bill, looking at the TV. "A show" he replies, stuffing his mouth with popcorn. "Yeah well your show woke me up. Do you even know what time it is?" I say, walking in front of the TV to get his attention.

"No, I don't know the time, and get out of the way!" He says. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows. "It's 2:00 AM and you are bothering Tom and—" I pause. Bills eyes widen and slowly but surely a mischievous grin appears on his face.

I run after Bill as he barges into Gustav's room. "Gustav!!" He yells, jumping on his bed. "Gustav! Gustav! Gustaaaaaav!" He jumps up and down and won't stop yelling. "Bill stop!" I yell, begging him to not say anything. Gustav rubs his eyes and groans, clearly annoyed.

"What?!" He yells at Bill. "Tom and Kiara were fucking!!" He says jumping off Gustav's bed and out of his room. Gustav pauses and looks at me. "Don't ask." I say glaring at him. I hear Bill yell out Georg's name and run over to Georg's room. "Wake up you asswipe!!" Bill says, shaking him.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" I hear Tom say. I turn around and see Tom rubbing his eyes, walking up to Georg's door. "Kiara? What are you doing awake?" He says raising an eyebrow. "You guys fucked didn't you?!" Bill yells, running up to us both. He grabs Toms shoulders.

"Wait wait wait wait— did you hear us?" I ask. Bills smile widens. "You probably shouldn't have said that.." Tom says rubbing his forehead. "No! But now that it's confirmed... I have to tell everyone!!" Bill shoved past us and into his room.

"Bill!" I call out to him but he doesn't answer. "Oh my god BILL!" I run to his room and see he's on his phone. "Bill! You cannot tell anyone. Especially anyone from school and you know that!" I say pointing a finger at him. Bill pauses. "Well..." he says faltering. "I guess you're right." Bill frowns. I sigh, relieved.

"But then who will I tell?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't know but for now. I don't think we want anyone to know.." I give him a tight smile then leave his room.

I see Tom leaning his head into Gustav's room. I walk past him and into his room. I plop down on the bed and sigh.

Tom walks back into the room. "You okay?" He asks shutting the door. "Yeah." I sit up and rub my eyes. "I'm just very very tired." I smile at him before tucking myself in and falling asleep.

I wake up to Tom shaking me awake. I rub my eyes. "What.." I barely say. "Your dad is here." He says. "Oh oka-"


How'd he find me?! What the actual fuck. Okay. Calm down Kiara you're not gonna get in trouble your dad is nice. Dad is always nice. Just breathe and go downstairs.
I got in trouble.
I lock my door and sit down on my bed. I have one of Toms shirts on. I remove it and grab a towel then walk into the bathroom.

The warm water pours onto me. I sigh letting my muscles relax.

Ever since we've moved here everything has been crazy. There is so much to deal with that it has been making me stress. I breathe in the steam.

I've never loved taking showers as much as I do now. I still haven't forgotten what happened that day. When I got run over. Not gonna lie whenever I imagine myself being run over I tend to laugh a bit.

I still have headaches occasionally but the doctors said that it'll wear off soon enough. Sure. Sure it will.

I sit down in the tub and let my head fall back. What is going on? What's happening to me? Especially with my mom. I swear I heard her that day but.. nothing has happened yet?

Am I hallucinating? I mean yeah that crash was pretty bad and it did cause all of us trauma especially my mom. Poor thing.

I stand up and continue on with my shower. Shampoo, body wash, conditioner. I wrap myself with my towel and walk out the bathroom.

Walking over to my dresser I pick out some pajamas as well as panties and a bra. I lay them out on my bed. I hear my door open.

Didn't I lock it?

I look up and see my mom standing in the doorway.


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