♡Part 32♡

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I push Tom off of me. "Don't fucking touch me asshole!" I stumble backwards and my back hits my dresser. Tom puts his hands up in surrender.

"Listen fucking me is not gonna make you regain my trust or love— or whatever the fuck you want from me!" I yell.

Tom is stunned. He doesn't move. I'm breathing heavily and I point to the door. "Get out."


"Get out Tom!!"

Tom drops his hands and turns around with his head down. He unlocks the door and leaves but he doesn't close the door.

I stomp over and slam it shut. "Oh what the fuck!" I scream. I slam my fist against the wall as tears begin to form.

I take a deep breath and rub my eyes with my palms. I walk over to my bed and pick up my phone and I call the only other person that I know can help me.

I meet up with Quinn at the beach and as I run up to her, her arms are crossed and she looks furious.

"What's up with you?" I ask, slowing down my steps as I get closer to her. "Nothing just mad at Watt. What's up with you?" She says clearly annoyed.

"I feel like complete shit. Like everything is just crumbling down and—"

"You love him don't you?" Quinn interrupts. I look at her then look down and the ground. "I don't know.." I kick a seashell into the water.

"Yes you do, don't try and deny it." She turns around and faces the water, wind blowing her hair on her face.

"I.. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to be mad." I mumble. "Why would I be mad? It's not my love life so why should I be in charge of yours?" She says keeping her gaze on the sunset.

After a few moments of silence she finally turns around to face me. "Go." She says, pointing to the direction of the neighborhood.

"What?" I ask confused. "Go! Go to him." She motions for me to leave. "No."

"Fuck stop making this hard! Just go what's your problem!!" She yells, frustrated.

"He tried to.. touch me."

Quinn looks at me stunned. "What do you mean? Like... rape?!"

"What?! No! I mean he's been really really touchy as if it's gonna fix our relationship." I say, looking up.

She shrugs. "Ask him then. Ask why he did it."


"No. Go ask. Just standing there and not doing anything about it isn't gonna fix your relationship with him and since you want to be with him again— which I think you shouldn't— just take a shot." Quinn takes a deep breath in after wasting her breath on everything she just said.

She walks in front of me and grabs me by the shoulders, turning me around. "Go." She pushes me and I stumble forward, a smile spreading across my face.

I don't even know what to say to him. I'm just sitting in his room, on his bed, waiting for him to arrive. I'm getting really impatient and I'm really starting to rethink everything Quinn said.

"Yeah I'm just gonna grab my stuff and I'll be outside!" I hear Tom yell from outside to room.

"Shit!" I mumble. I get up from his bed and run to his closet as I hear his footsteps get closer. I sit in the corner of his closet and wait.

I hear him open the door and enter the room. I hold my breath and try to calm myself. I hear his footsteps as he walks around the room and I hear sounds of him picking up objects while mumbling some shit in German.

He opens his the closet, whistling. I swear I almost shit myself right there and then.

What if he sees me? What if he's mad at me and hates me now. What if he thinks I'm a creepy stalker and kicks me out then never talks to me again. Fuck Kiara why did you run to the closet like a pussy and not confront him?!

I mentally slap myself before exhaling. Loudly. My eyes grow wide as Toms eyes land on me. His eyes widen. "Kiara?! What the fuck are you doing in my closet?!"


He cuts me off and grabs my hands, pulling me out of the closet. "You shouldn't be here!" He whisper-yells. "Why?" I ask.

"My mom is here! And be quiet!" He whisper-yells again. He puts his hand over my mouth and reaches over to his doorknob and locks the door.

I freeze as I realize that Tom and Bills mom is.. here. Like I'm this house. Hell no. After learning what she did to my mom I cannot face her.

"Okay.. explain." Tom removes his hand from my mouth still whispering. His mom is talking to someone outside the room.

"I— I wanted to talk to you. About us...?" It comes out more like a question then an answer.

"So you hid in my closet?" He chuckles. I roll my eyes and begin walking towards his window. "Hey what are you doing?"

"Well I can't exit from your front door." I say, opening his window. I lift my leg up but I feel Tom pull on my hand making me stumble back.

"But I thought you wanted to talk about us." He says with a sarcastic frown on his face.

"Well if you're not gonna be serious about it, then I don't intend on talking about us.

Tom chuckles.

"What's so funny?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"You miss me." He smirks. "Listen, I started acting like an ass cause well.. I wanted to see how you'd react to it and well.. ever since I started getting touchy with you, you missed the old me."

"That... I'm so confused." I say. He chuckle before grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him.

I hope you enjoyed this parts and make sure to please vote !! :3

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