♡Part 11♡

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(If you have nothing nice to say please don't say it cause I've been getting a lot of hate here)

His removes his hand from my pants and holds onto my waist. He breaks the kiss and starts moving his lips to my neck. Fuck I'm so desperate.

I begin to move my hands down and onto his hands. He quickly stop's everything he's doing. "Keep them here." He says placing my arms above my head. "Don't move" he begins to remove my pants and when it gets to my ankles I pull my feet out of it and kick it to the side. He slowly squats down, feeling my thighs and caressing them.

I bite my lip, nervous. He hooks his fingers onto my panties but doesn't move them. He slowly begins to move his head closer to it. I can feel his breath on it and I can feel my clit pulsing.

He licks my panties causing me to shiver. He licks it again but with more pressure. Oh fuck. He pulls down my panties and I mentally prepare myself for what's about to happen.

He stands up. Wait what? He lifts my shirt up and over my head. "What are you—" he presses his finger to my lips. "Don't speak." He sounds very serious. He spins me around and I gasp. I feel him undo the hooks of my bra. He spins me back around but more softly.

He backs away, staring at me. He walks back to where he was standing. My heart is racing and I feel like I'm gonna explode.

His hand lands on my thigh and it's creeps up it. I look down grinning and he stops once again. "Keep eye contact Kiara." I look back up at him and look into his eyes.

He continues to go up and up and up and doesn't stop. I thought he wanted to finger me. But no he wants to play around with me.

He grabs onto my boob still keeping eye contact. He rubs my nipple and a soft whimper moves past my lips. He smirks that signature smirk and his hands move down to my pussy. He rubs my clit with his finger. He slowly begins to move his finger closer and closer to my hole.

He sticks one finger in. "Oh fuck" I breathe still trying to keep eye contact. Another one. I bite my lip but fail to suppress my moan. In and out in and out.

He does it with that smirk on his face that I dearly love but what to smack off his face right now. Don't ask why.

His palm begins to rub my clit and I cannot tell you how good this fucking feels. "Oh god—" I moan. "Tom!"

My hands go down to his shoulders and instantly he stops. He grabs my hands with his free hand and puts them above my head but instead of moving his hand back to my waist he keeps it there. "Don't move Kiara I fucking mean it."

He continues to finger me and I try and try and try to be quiet. It's really hard because fuck he's good at this.

He takes his thrusting fingers out of me and squats down again. Slowly but surely I feel his tongue touch my drenched pussy and a loud moan rushes out of my mouth. He doesn't break eye contact.

His tongue rubs on my clit making me orgasm more. "Oh fuck Tom!" I moan. "You drive me crazy" he finally breaks eye contact and grips my thighs. He puts more pressure onto me and I moan even louder.

No he didn't put his dick in me and no we haven't spoken since. It's been pretty awkward. Now here's the thing. It's been only one day and we have just avoided each other. I mean yes we did make eye contact like ten billion times but can you really blame us?

Sorry it's short and sorry if the smut is bad I would like some tips if you have any. Also I wanna to give every single one of you guys a piece of my heart tysm for reading my story I'm literally crying right now. Ilyyy sooo much.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now