♡Part 23♡

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I check my clock again. She has three more minutes to walk out that fucking room before I drag her out of it. Jayla has been getting ready for the past... thirty minutes? I think.

She's taking FOREVER.

"When is she gonna be done?" Gustav groans, taking off his hat. "In the next decade.." I reply, sighing. We hear the door open. "I'm done!" Jayla sings. She spins around showing us her glittery black dress. "Isn't it cute?!" She says walking up to Georg, putting her are through his.

"Okay are we done? Let's go." Tom says grabbing my hand. He leads us out the hotel room and downstairs. We see the tour bus waiting for us.

"Are we having an after party after the concert?" I hear Jayla ask. "Yes." I hear Georg say. Then Jayla begins to giggle. "Georg stop!" She says.

"Oh my god get a room!" Gustav says, turning around to look at them. I turn around as well and Jayla is rolling her eyes at Gustav.

"You guys seriously need to take your business somewhere else." I say laughing a bit. Tom helps me into the bus and when I tell you it's beautiful. It's fucking beautiful.

There are LED lights outlining the seats that are against the bus walls. The LED lights also outlining the ceiling of the bus.

"Is this a party bus?" Tom asks, looking around. "Hopefully because I'm definitely ready to party." Gustav says, astonished.

I sit down in one of the chairs and Tom sits next to me. He places his hand on my thigh. "I'm so excited for after tonight.." Tom whispers into my ear. I grin but look away from him.

Bill and Gustav sit next to each other while Jayla is sitting on Georg's lap. "Ew.." I mumble. Gustav grabs a bottle of water and chugs it, getting water on his shirt. "Damn Gustav chill." Bill says, leaning away from him. Gustav finishes the water and is not breathing very heavily.

"Sorry guys I'm just thirsty." Gustav throws the bottle of water at Jaylas head. "Ow!" Jaylas says rubbing her head, turning around.

"Dude! What the fuck?!" Georg yells. "Oh my goodness! I just threw a bottle of water at her head!" Gustav slaps his hand over his mouth.

"Guys please shut up.." I say resting my head on Toms shoulder. I feel Tom put his arm around me. He kisses me on the head which gives me butterflies.

I'm gripping Jaylas hand as we exit the tour bus. "Chill girl You're hurting me!" Jayla says, trying to rip her hand from my grip.
We are literally backstage and I'm nervously picking on my nails and bouncing my leg. "Why are you so nervous? You're not the one going out there." Gustav says raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know.. I just— nervous.." I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I look up. It's some blonde lady. "Hi there!" She says with a thick accent. "Uh hi?" I say, confused. I look at Gustav and he's walking up to us. He hugs the lady.

I stare at them. "This," Gustav says, motioning towards the lady, "is Tom and Bills' mom." My jaw drops. "What... did you just say?.." my eyes are glued to the blonde lady. "My name is Simone but I prefer Mrs Kaulitz." She says, grabbing my hand and shaking it.

I'm literally just sitting down with my mouth open, staring at a lady who is Tom and Bills' mother.

"Hello?" I hear Gustav say. I snap back to reality and look at him. I look back at Mrs Kaulitz. She's looking at me awkwardly. "Oh!" I stand up and shake her hand aggressively. "I'm so sorry its so nice to meet you!" I'm smiling widely. Maybe a little too wide.

Her eyes widen. "Oh well it was nice meeting you!" She pulls her hand from mine and rubs it. "Tom has said amazing things about you." She smiles. A. Very. Uncomfortable. Smile.

"Alright everyone ready?!" I hear someone yell. "Yep." Everyone answers. The lights go dark. I can hear people moving around. Someone grabs my waist. "I'll say you later sweetheart." Tom whispers in my ear.

I bite my lip, smiling. I feel Tom let go and go out onto the stage.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

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