♡Part 29♡

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I grab my stuff and head out the door. I'm running down the stairs when I hear my brother. "Where are you going?"

I turn around and see my brother with his arms crossed. I roll my eyes. "To a sleepover with a friend." I say crossing my arms. "Wearing that?" He asks, looking me up and down.

I look down at my thigh length dress with black glitter all over it. I look back up at my brother. "Fuck off asshole." I flip him off.

I begin walking towards the front door when my brother says, "Ever since you and your friend group stopped talking you've changed. Changed a lot." I hear him scoff and walk back upstairs.

I look down at the floor. Have I really changed? I shrug it off and open the door.

I see Watt and Quinn waiting for me in the car. "Get in come on!" Quinn yells from the window. I quickly walk towards the car and hop in.

I wait down at the bar and hold my head in my hands. I let out a loud huff. "Long night?" The bar tender asks. I lift my head up and drop my arms. "Yeah.."

"Oh there's my favorites!" The bar tender is looking at people behind me but I just shrug it off. I put my head back in my hands.

Quinn has been making me dance all night. My feet hurt and these heels are killing me. Plus I'm drunk. Really. Fucking. Drunk. I actually feel like I'm gonna puke.

I feel the presence of someone sitting next to me and immediately I tense up. I don't know why but I just did. I look to my right and see familiar dreads and smell a familiar scent.

"Shit.." I mumble. I push myself up from the stool but as soon as I do that I feel start to feel dizzy. I feel myself wobbling and as soon as I step backwards I stumble and fall to the ground I land with a grunt.

"Shit are you oka-" She pauses. I look up at Jaylas face as the realization dawns on her. "Kiara!" She immediately gets down on her knees and tries to help my up but I swat her hand away.

"I'm fine." I stand up, still wobbling. I try my best to keep myself up but fail. Jayla grabs onto me and helps me to the bathroom.

She holds my hair up as I begin puking in the toilet. I feel her hand rub my back as tears fall from my eyes. When I'm finish I press my back against the stall wall.

"Kiara can we... talk?" She asks, sitting across from me. I don't look at her, instead I look down and frown a bit. "Kiara?.. please."

I look up at her and we immediately make eye contact. "Listen we are so sorry for what we might've done or what Tom might've do-"

"It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. Just leave it be okay." I interrupt her. "It's my fault. I'm the one who ruined our friendship and I shouldn't have done that. I really shouldn't have."

Jayla smiles. "So.. can we be friends again? All of us?" She sounds hopeful when she says that which makes me wary.

"I don't know.. I'm okay with us being friends again but I'm not sure about Tom and Bill. Especially since I was the one who ruined their relationship with each other." I frown at the thought of that.

They are inseparable. They love each other so much that they would never let anyone get in the way of their relationship. I mean I see that it's better now, but to see the way that Tom has forgotten about me makes my stomach twist and my eyes sting.

I miss him. I wonder how he feels I wonder how Bill feels. I wonder how everyone feels.

We hear someone enter the bathroom. "Kiara? Are you in here?" Quinn says. "Yeah.." I exhale.

Quinn follows my voice and sees my a Jayla on the floor together. "Oh." Quinn looks between both of us. "You guys are... friends now?"

I don't look at her. I don't look at anyone. Instead I just stand up and walk past her.

I grab my bag from the bar and begin walking towards the exit when I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist and pull me toward them.

Honestly guys I'm losing motivation for this book. Like l'm giving up on this book l'm seriously losing motivation bc the comments are judging the way Kiara is supposed to act like. That's how Kiara acts she's confusing and hard to understand.

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