♡Part 9♡

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"Yo what the fuck" Bills says. We all look up at him. My jaw is wide open.

Why would she write that?!

I grab the note from Tom and rip it up. "That does not exist anymore." I say slamming it against the table, finished ripping it up. I hear Tom chuckle. I turn to look at him. "What's funny?" I ask. "I just can't imagine hearing you say that." He says bursting out laughing now.

I roll my eyes but can't resist the smile appearing on my face.

Jayla, The band, and I are skating. Well some of us are. I'm riding my bike cause I can't skate for shit. Plus I don't even have a skateboard. Jayla, Bill, and George are also riding bikes.

Tom promised to teach me how to skate on Saturday and as well as Jayla. This week has been so fun with the band honestly. I love it here and I don't even know what would happen if we never moved here.

"Should we go over to the beach?" Georg suggests. "That's actually a good idea!" Jayla says smiling at George. "Where's the beach?" I ask. "Probably a few minutes away." Tom says turning his head toward me. He winks and looks back down at the ground then up ahead.

There is a couple seconds of silence until I interrupt it. "What should I say to Quinn?" I ask in a dreadful tone, slowing down my bike a little. "Like how do I even confront her?" Jayla looks at me. "You just simply don't" she says like it's the most simple question on earth. "But like I have double history tomorrow and I she does too!" I say groaning.

"Ask someone to trade seats with you." Gustav says, he's been pretty quiet. "We're here." Tom says. I look ahead and see the ocean and a sunset.

"Wow it looks amazing!" Jayla say hoping off her bike. She begins running towards the sand. "Jayla wait!" I say running after her.

Were all it the water. Mind you without our clothes but you know we're not fully naked. Tom, Gustav and I keep trying to find seaweed and throw it at each other.  Gustav is really good at it though. Meanwhile Georg, Jayla, and Bill are just seeing who can't swim faster or who can swim the longest or who can hold their breath the longest.

I find a piece of seaweed and rip it out from the sand. I then swim my way to Tom and slap it onto his back. He turns around with an offended face. I burst out laughing. Then I feel someone slap something onto my back. I turn around and see Gustav and now he's laughing.

I run at him and he tries to run away but fails. Instead he slips and falls into the water. "Shit!" He yells laughing. I feel Gustav's legs hit mine causing me to fall over. "Karma!" I hear Gustav yell. Tom is laughing his heart out. I go under water and swim over to him. I grab his ankle and pull it towards me. I come back up to the surface laughing. "Bro!" He yells holding his hands up.

"Guys!" Bill says. We all look at him. "It's getting dark we should probably go home." I frown. "But why I wanna stay!" I drop my arms. "Well we don't care." Jayla says as she grabs my arm and pulls me out of the water. The rest follows behind us. We put on our clothes that are now sticking to us like glue. Me and Jayla are struggling.

"Bye guys!" I say waving at them. "Bye!" They all say. I open the front door and see my family eating dinner.

My dad drops his fork and knife. "Not only are you late to school but you're late to dinner?" He crosses his arms. "Sorry" I say closing the door. "I was hanging out with some friends after school and we kinda got carried away at the beach?" I say it more like a question. "Just go shower and change. I'm sure there will be leftovers. "Hell no there won't be!" Sam says raising her fork. I laugh going up the stairs.

Hi guysss. Sooo I decided in part 10 you will get the confrontation. Maybe.. but anyway!! I opened Wattpad again for the 8363863726292918 time again today to check for notifications and I got 22 notifications and I cannot tell you guys how grateful I am!! Also someone said that their name was Kiara lolll. I had two mental breakdowns today for family reasons and this just made my day thank you so much!!

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to vote please :3 !!

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