♡Part 18♡

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I rip off the shirt from the hanger and slip it on. I make my way over to the mirror and remove the towel holding my hair up. I sigh.

"Awake already?" I jump, startled. "Tom! Don't scare me like that." Tom is leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Best part is.. he's shirtless. "Hope you had a nice time on my bed last night." Tom says, walking into the room. He opens his closet door and takes out a shirt.

I look down at myself and frown. "Why do you have so many oversized shit?" I look back up at him. He turns around with his shirt on. "I just do." He says, mischief in his eyes.

I roll my eyes and walk out of his room and open Bills door. "Hey sorry to intrude but I need clothes." I say, one hand in my hip. Bill looks up unbothered. "Sure go ahead." He motions to his closet.

I squint my eyes at him. "You okay?" Bill looks up again. His eyes meet mine. He sighs. "No" he rubs his temples. "I.. just some personal shit nothing crazy."

"Okay.." I say tentatively, walking toward his closet. I open it up to obviously, a lot of black clothes. "Wow.. your closet is a rainbow!" I say sarcastically. I pull out a shirt and some shorts. I walk out of his room and into the bathroom.

I quickly get changed into bills clothes and kick Toms shirt to the side. I unlock the bathroom door and exit just to bump into something. "Ow!" I feel them grab my wrists and pull me inside the bathroom.

I look up. "Tom?!" He smirks at me and slams my back against the wall. I gasp. "Wh-" he smashes his lips to mine. Kissing me deeply, desperately.

Tom breaks the kiss. "I want you so bad Kiara" he's breathing heavily. His face is flushed.

I don't know what to say. What to do. I want him too but I don't know.. "Please Kiara.." Toms hands gently caress my arms.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "I want you too." I say before our lips collide. His hands find the hem on my shirt and his hands go under it. He caresses my stomach with the tip of his fingers, tickling me.

I shiver. His hands go to my back and go up and up until it reaches the hooks of my bra. He unhooks it and throws it to the side.

My nipples go hard as he simply rubs them. I softly whimper against his mouth. He breaks the kiss and gets on his knees. He removes my leaving me in my shirt and panties. He kisses my thigh.

"Try not to be loud." He says, looking up at me. He pulls down my panties and instantly his tongue touches my pussy making me gasp.

I bite my lip and roll my eyes to the back of my head. "Oh fuck.." I breathe. I swallow and look back down at him. His tongue colliding with my pussy makes heat rush through my body.

He stands back up and lifts up my shirt. I lift my arms up and he tugs it off me. He lowers his mouth to my chest. I feel his tongue slide across my breast.

My eyes fall shut. His hand slowly begins to find its way between my legs. I feel his fingers slip inside of me. I grip I shoulders and try suppress my moans.

I hear him unzip his pants. I open my eyes and see that with one hand he's pulling out a condom. Then he's pulling off his boxers. And now he's skidding the condom on. My eyes are glued to the floor now.

I feel him grip my hip and pull me closer to him. He removes his fingers and in one swift movement he pushes himself in me. "Tom!" I gasp.

I feel as though I can barely stand anymore. He slowly pushes himself in and out making me bite my lip.

He smashes his lips to mine. My hands are shaking so hard right now. He takes both hands and pins them above my head.

I feel too weak to even move. I can barely hold back my moans. I whimper as he thrusts into me several more times before I feel him tense up.

He lets out a groan and pulls out of me. He drops my arms. He kisses my neck. His lips meet mine and I kiss him back softly.


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