♡Part 25♡

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"Bullshit." I say crossing my arms. "What do you mean not bullshit. Shouldn't your mom be in a bed at your house? It's totally real." Bill says, furrowing his eyebrows.

Hell no. There's no way in hell that my mom could stand. She's disabled for life. But how could my friends see her? I thought that I was just hallucinating..

"You are a menace for that." Gustav says, giving Georg death stare. Georg rolls his eyes and continues to feed Jayla.

Im half asleep and barely eating. Ever since last night I couldn't sleep at all.

Tom takes a seat next to me. I glance at him and suck in my stomach. I feel him slip something into my hand. A piece of paper.

I try to give the piece of paper back to him but he shoves my hand away and starts eating his cereal.

"Stop feeding her! It's corny and gross!" Gustav  yells, standing up. "Let us be!" Jayla yells back. Georg lifts up the spoon of cereal to her mouth and she reluctantly eats it. Gustav makes a gagging sound. Georg flips him off.

"Guys stop being kids." I mumble rubbing my head. "Why are you so low?" Jayla asks, hopping off of Georg's lap. "What do you mean why is she so low?" Bill says entering the room. "Here, go change into these." Bill hands me a hoodie and some sweatpants. "Thanks." I say, taking it from him.

I hop off the stool and walk into the bathroom. I quickly change into the clothes and look at myself in the mirror.

Shit.. my hair is a mess. Why didn't anyone tell me?! I take the hair tie from my wrist and put my hair up in a ponytail. I scan myself once again to make sure I look okay then I exit the bathroom.

Bill is sitting down next to my stool. Apparently Gustav was so grossed out he had to leave. "Gustav is so dramatic." I giggle. Bill smiles.

He has the same features as Tom. I mean they are twins. He's pretty cute as well. I smile back at him. "What do you guys think about going to the beach today?" Bill suggests, looking at everyone. "I think that'd be fun!" Jayla says clapping her hands together. "Kiara and I can go buy cute bikinis!!" Jayla looks at me.

I furrow my eyebrows. I feel Bills hand on my shoulder. I look up at him. He raises his eyebrows. "Fine." I say, sighing. I look at Jayla and her smile has only just gotten bigger. "Yay!" She walks around the table and grabs my wrist. "Ow!" I say. "What?" She says confused. "I didn't even pull that hard?.."

I bite my lip. "It's fine, whatever." I notice Jayla look at Tom. "Okay.." she says.

I'm sitting on the bed while Jayla is complaining about what she should wear to go buy bikinis. "Just wear something simple. It's not like we're gonna be here forever." I say rolling my eyes as she continues throwing clothes around.

"Well we are gonna be here for a while so.." she lifts up a crop top. "This one is the one!" She turns around and presses the shirt to her body.

"Okay well put on your outfit and let's go.." I say, groaning. "Listen.. you are just stressed about Tom. Chill a little and enjoy life." Jayla says. smiling while walking to the bathroom.

I hear the door open. "Hey! I just wanted to wait till she went to change but I wanted to talk to you." Bill says entering the room. I suck in my stomach.

"Oh uh.. about what?" I ask as he sits down next to me. "Your family and I and Toms family." He takes a deep breath and looks at me. "Listen.. both of our families have... history together." He says, now looking away. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "Well.. I saw some books laying around and well I decided to read it. It revealed some.. secrets. Your mom and our mom—" He gets cut off.

"Tada!!!" Jayla says posing at the bathroom doorframe. "Let's go!" Jayla runs up to me and grabs my wrist. "Bye Bill!" Jayla drags me out the room as Bill and I hold eye contact.


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